2006 LITA National Forum: Call for Proposals

2006 LITA National Forum: Call for Proposals

2006 LITA National Forum: Call for Proposals

Due date for proposals: December 15, 2005

The 2006 National Forum Committee seeks proposals for high quality concurrent sessions and/or poster sessions for the 9th annual LITA National Forum to be held at the Downtown Sheraton in Nashville, Tennessee October 26-29, 2006.

Theme: NetVille in Nashville: Web Services as Library Services

Libraries are increasingly being asked to provide services through the web. Often these services need to inter-operate with many disparate web environments. Web services and related standards offer an opportunity to provide these services to users. How do web services work together? How do they help us work together? What are some practical applications of web services as library services?

The Forum Committee is particularly interested in presentations that highlight specific technology implementations, in any type of library. Proposals on all aspects of library and information technology are welcome.

Possible proposal topics include, but are not limited to:

1. Non-Traditional/New Media (Streaming media, Wikis, blogs, Electronic books and journals*)
2. Digital Libraries (Resource linking strategies, Creating and sustaining digital libraries, Preservation of digital records*)
3. Authentication and Authorization (Digital Rights Management, Authentication/privacy, Services for remote patrons, Customization/personalization*)
4. Portals/Federated/Meta-Searching (Design and management of portals, Integrated access to resources, Search engines*)
5. Information architecture (Usability, Web services, Web application design and databases, Web content management*)
6. Emerging Technologies (Wireless technologies, Assistive technologies, New user services and new communities*)
7. Technology Management (IT Project Management, Forecasting, budgeting, and managing technological change, Knowledge sharing applications*)
8. Internet Law (Digital Copyright, Filtering Technology, Privacy*)
9. Open source software
10. Distance education and courseware

Presentations must have a technological focus and they must pertain to libraries and/or be of interest to librarians. Concurrent sessions are approximately 70 minutes in length.

Forum 2006 will also accept a limited number of poster session proposals. Presenters should indicate their interest in a poster session on their proposals.

Presenters are required to submit handouts one month in advance for the Forum notebook, and handouts will be made available on the Web site after the event.

Your proposals are welcome and much appreciated! To submit a proposal, send the following information via email (in ASCII, PDF, or RTF format):

* Title
* Abstract and brief outline
* Target audience (Public Library, Academic Library, Special Library, Other - please specify)
* Content type (technical, overview, case study, Other - please specify)
* Brief biographical information. Include experience as a presenter and expertise in the topic
* Full contact information
* Is this proposal for a concurrent session?
* Is this proposal for a poster session?
* If this proposal is for a concurrent session, might this be a possible poster session?
* How you heard about the 2006 Forum Call for Proposals

The 2006 Forum Planning Committee will review proposals at the ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2006. You will be contacted about the status of your proposal by the end of February 2006.

Submit proposals (in ASCII, PDF, or RTF) by December 15, 2005, to: Mary Taylor, [email protected], Executive Director, Library and Information Technology Association.

This call for proposals is also posted on the LITA website at http://www.lita.org/ala/lita/litaevents/litanationalforum2006nashvilletn/06_Call.pdf

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