Acquisitions Editor (LITA Guides and Monographs)

Acquisitions Editor (LITA Guides and Monographs)

Position Description: Acquisitions Editor
LITA Guides and Monographs

The Acquisitions Editor is charged with developing topics for LITA Guides and Monographs, soliciting suggested publications from LITA members and others, interacting with authors to produce the publications in manuscript format, and coordinating the editorial review of manuscripts by members of the LITA Publications Committee.

1. Is responsible for staying abreast of current and emerging library and information technologies to garner ideas for topical publications.

2. Actively solicits authors.

3. Determines the most suitable publishing format for the content.

4. Works with the Chair of the Publications Committee to coordinate editorial review among committee members, including delivery of manuscripts to individual committee members and determination of deadlines for the editorial review process. Non-committee reviewers may be appointed by the
committee Chair whenever necessary and appropriate.

5. Sets and coordinates schedules with authors and the LITA office.

6. Ensures that at least two publications are produced each year.

7. Evaluates new technologies with a goal of maximizing exposure and distribution of time-sensitive content, and works with the Publications Committee and LITA to implement publishing formats and methodologies that meet the needs of our readership.

* Must have a publication record or background, which demonstrates excellent writing skills, recognized scholarship in the field and editing experience.

* Must have a broad knowledge of current and emerging information and library technologies.

* Must be skilled in working closely and effectively with authors to turn an idea into a useful technology guide.

* Must attend the LITA Publications Committee meetings at Midwinter and ALA Annual Conferences, and reports on status of and strategies for new publications.


Although there is no pay associated with the position, the person will receive a stipend of $1500/year or will be reimbursed for travel and lodging expenses up to $1500/year, and receive free press registration for
attending the ALA Midwinter meeting and Annual Conference.

Submit applications by Monday, November 29, 2004 to:
Nancy Colyar, Chair, LITA Publications Committee

Assistant Dean for Library Systems
LSU Libraries, Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 225/578-3215
Fax: 225/578-6535
[email protected]

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