Applications Sought for LA&M Associate Editor

Applications Sought for LA&M Associate Editor

Applications Sought for LA&M Associate Editor

Did you know??? A recent survey of the LAMA membership found that 73% of LAMA's 5,000-plus members ranked "LA&M" as the "most valuable" feature of their membership.

Don?t miss this valuable and rewarding opportunity to help shape LAMA?s flagship magazine as it moves from a traditional print publication into a fully web-based format. LA&M needs your creativity in finding original and exciting approaches to presenting content and developing new features. With support from the LAMA Publications and Editorial Advisory Board and ALA Production Services, you will build your skill set as an editor while giving back to your profession and serving more than 5,000 LAMA members.

For more information, please contact associate editor Eric Shoaf at [email protected]. He will be happy to talk with you.

Position description:

The Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) seeks an experienced writer or editor to assist in the production and eventually take charge of LAMA?s quarterly magazine, Library Administration & Management (LA&M). As the flagship publication of LAMA, LA&M serves as an outlet for publishing and news information disseminated from LAMA committees and working groups, as well as for best practices in the field of library administration. The print magazine is transitioning into a full-feature web publication, expected to be complete in 2009-2010, and will continue to serve the membership in vital new ways by providing more timely information, multi-media features, and high quality graphics.

The associate editor will be responsible for working closely with the editor in the production of each issue of LA&M, establishing close working relationships with and serving as liaison to the LAMA section and committee chairs in reporting section news, and performing other duties as determined by the editor. After serving two years, the incumbent will assume the duties of editor in 2010. The associate editor serves as an ex-officio member of the LAMA Board of Directors and the LA&M Editorial Advisory Board. The first issue for which the newly appointed associate editor will share responsibility will be volume 23, no. 1, with a copy due date in late September 2008.

Applicants must be LAMA members and have a strong overall knowledge of the association and its goals, have an interest in and knowledge of management issues relevant to libraries, and a familiarity with management literature in general. Applicants must have written and published articles and/or have demonstrated editorial experience. Preferred applicants will have experience or familiarity with the technical and editorial issues associated with electronic and Web publishing, and knowledge of emerging technologies in this publishing format.

The successful candidate must make a four-year commitment to attend American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meetings and Annual Conferences, with emphasis on attending LAMA section and committee meetings, and other events. Compensation up to $1,500 annually will be provided to cover documented travel and/or editorial expenses. Applicants should send a resume and cover letter summarizing their editorial philosophy, two to four samples of written work or editorial activities, and three letters of reference addressing qualifications to: Kerry Ward, Executive Director, LAMA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, or e-mail materials to Kerry Ward [email protected]. Finalists will be interviewed at the 2008 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA.

The deadline for application is June 7, 2008.

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