Blogging in Seattle: "sla2008" Official Tag for Posts

Blogging in Seattle: "sla2008" Official Tag for Posts

Blogging in Seattle: "sla2008" Official Tag for Posts

Attending the SLA Annual Conference and want to blog for SLA?
Contact Carolyn Sosnowski, SLA's Information Specialist, at [email protected] to get more information and to sign up!

Blogging on the SLA Blog is not a full-time commitment...we're looking for a few posts from the member's perpective about the sessions, CE courses, the INFO-EXPO, Seattle itself, and tips for getting the most out of the experience...anything your fellow attendees and colleagues at home would want to hear about.

If you're already blogging about the conference, on SLA Blog or elsewhere, don't forget the sla2008 tag!

For those not attending the conference- use the tag to find blog posts and keep up on all the great things happening out in Seattle!

- Call For Guest Contributors: Uls Blog (acrl University Libraries Section)
Call for Guest Contributors: ULS Blog (ACRL University Libraries Section) The Communications and Membership Committee have joined together to solicit calls for posts to the ULS blog ( Posts can be about anything relevant...

- Call For Lita Bloggers For Ala Annual
Call for LITA bloggers for ALA Annual It's that time of year again, folks. As you put together your schedules for the upcoming Annual 2010 conference in DC, please consider volunteering to be a blogger for LITA. We would like coverage for as many...

- Call For Bloggers (lita National Forum 2008)
Call for Bloggers (LITA National Forum 2008) Are you attending the LITA National Forum in Cincinnati this October? Please consider blogging a meeting or program for the benefit of your fellow LITA members who can't attend the conference this year....

- Call For Contributors: Lita Blog For Ala Midwinter
Call for Contributors: LITA Blog for ALA Midwinter Worn out from the Holiday Season? Tired from too much travel and/or too much Egg Nog? Not ready to go back to work? You know what that means . . . . time for ALA Midwinter!! This is Jonathan Blackburn...

- Questions
These are the questions being asked here at the library: Do we have so few blog readers because of infrequent posts? or Do we have infrequent posts because we have so few blog readers? When we figure this one out, we will move on to the chicken and...

