Call for Articles: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences

Call for Articles: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences

Call for Articles: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences.

This is the second message asking for authors for needed articles for the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences. We are attempting to wrap up the invitation process for the encyclopedia, and have a just a few articles remaining to be assigned. Sometimes we didn't know who to ask, other times people have had to withdraw, and so on, so we still have some articles.

Due to a technical glitch, my last email request did not go out to the ASIST list, so I am repeating a few topics that appeared there, even though I have some preliminary volunteers. We are looking for people who have knowledge of the specified area, so please tell me about your qualifications to write on the topic(s) you are interested in.

Thanks for your interest; we got a number of volunteers for the first list I sent out a few days ago, and we are sorting that out to make invitations.

Please volunteer asap--by August 7 at the latest.

Government records management
Optical scanning and text recognition
Mobile and wireless information technology
Information theory
Booksellers and book trade
Book collecting and collectors
Microform storage in libraries
EU information policy
Digital libraries
Piracy of digital media
Version control
Network management
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
Colon Classification
Document type description (DTD)
World Wide Web
Information storage technologies
Marcia J. Bates, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Editor (with Mary Niles Maack), Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences
Department of Information Studies
Graduate School of Education and Information Studies
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520 USA
Tel: 310-206-9353
Fax: 310-206-4460
[email protected]

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