Call for Articles: SLA's Information Outlook issue on Digitizing Content (May-June 2015)

Call for Articles: SLA's Information Outlook issue on Digitizing Content (May-June 2015)

Digitizing Content: Join the Discussion


What are the costs and benefits of digitizing content, and how can the process be scaled and marketed so it?s a success? How does an organization measure success?by the amount of times a digitized asset or set of assets is viewed, or by some other metric? Has your library or archive expanded or scaled back a digitization effort after receiving feedback from users?

The theme of the May-June issue of Information Outlook is ?Digitizing Content,? and you?re invited to join the discussion. If you?d like to contribute an article on this topic, please send a brief outline to Stuart Hales. He will forward it to the members of the Information Outlook Advisory Council, who will provide feedback for you to consider before writing the article.

Articles should run approximately 1,800-2,100 words and are due no later than Monday, April 27. For more information about writing for Information Outlook, see the writing guidelines. To learn about theme topics for the other 2015 issues, see the editorial calendar.

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