Call for NASIG 2006 poster session proposals

Call for NASIG 2006 poster session proposals

Call for NASIG 2006 poster session proposals

The NASIG Program Planning Committee (PPC) invites poster session proposals for the 21st NASIG conference in Denver, Colorado, May 4-7, 2006. The theme of the conference is "Mile High Views: Surveying the Serials Vista." Posters will be on display in the conference registration area of the Denver Marriott City Center at 9:30-5:30 on Friday, May 5th. Presenters should be available to discuss their topics during both break periods.

Poster sessions provide an opportunity to share innovative ideas and new applications of technology. Poster sessions may present a report of a research study, an analysis of a practical problem-solving effort, or a description of an innovative program that may be of interest to the
serials community. In keeping with NASIG's tradition of non-commercialism, poster sessions focusing solely on a commercial product will not be accepted.

To apply, complete the online application form at

Deadline for submission: Applications must be received by 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 28, 2006. Members of the PPC's Sub-committee on Poster Sessions will evaluate abstracts. Presenters will be notified by March 17, 2006.

For additional information and instructions contact PPC Co-Chair June Garner at [email protected].

Application deadline: Tuesday, February 28, 2006

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