Call for panelists: ALA Midwinter Drupal Fail (LITA Drupal IG)

Call for panelists: ALA Midwinter Drupal Fail (LITA Drupal IG)

Call for panelists: ALA Midwinter Drupal Fail (LITA Drupal IG)

Did you suck at Drupal? Have you been responsible for a Drupal-related disaster? Or perhaps you?ve created a mess of another CMS? You are not alone!
Consider serving on the Drupal Fail Panel at the LITA Drupal Interest Group Meeting at ALA Midwinter in Dallas. The meeting takes place on Saturday, January 21st, from 1:30-3:30 in room A310 of the Dallas Convention Center. 
Drupal FAIL might include:
*Installation FAIL
*Migration FAIL
*Permissions FAIL
*Upgrade FAIL
*Taxonomy FAIL
*Module FAIL
*Theme FAIL
*Roll-out FAIL
*Marketing FAIL
Tell us what went wrong and, if and how you recovered, and what the long-term ramifications of the FAIL were. Comedy welcome!
We can then share a group hug and learn from each other's mistakes in a Q & A session.
Send a short proposal or any questions you may have to the LITA Drupal IG chairs Nina McHale ([email protected]) or Christopher Evjy ([email protected]) Please send proposals by Friday, December 16th.

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