Call for Papers: Special IRSQ Issue on Social Software and Libraries

Call for Papers: Special IRSQ Issue on Social Software and Libraries

Call for Papers: Special IRSQ Issue on Social Software and Libraries

Internet Reference Services Quarterly, a refereed journal published by The Haworth Press Inc., invites proposals for a special issue focusing on social software and libraries. The issue (12/3) will tentatively be published in Winter 2007, edited by Michael Stephens, Instructor, Dominican University and blogger at

We hope the issue will cover a wide range of topics pertaining to implementations and uses of various Web 2.0 tools in library settings of all types. For the purposes of this issue, social software or Web 2.0 will be defined as the next incarnation of the World Wide Web, where digital tools allow users to create, change, and publish dynamic content of all kinds. Other Web 2.0 tools syndicate and aggregate this content. Some of these Web applications include RSS, Weblogs, wikis, tagging, bookmarking, IM, social networking sites, etc.

-Implementations of the various tools in libraries
-Issues related to implementation or use of the tools
-Information literacy issues related to Web 2.0
-Instruction of these tools to various groups
-Utilization of Web 2.0 at the Reference Desk
-Usability studies
-Assessment of the technologies
-Studies of how widespread the phenomenon is, etc.

Theory-based manuscripts and case studies are acceptable. While the editors expect the issue to center around social software in academic libraries, manuscripts are also welcomed from other libraries (public, state, special) or consortia which have implemented such technologies. Additional manuscripts may be independently solicited.

Proposals of no more than two (2) pages should be submitted to Michael Stephens at [email protected] no later than August 1, 2006. Other dates:

First drafts by November 1, 2006

Final drafts by Feb 1, 2007

For more information about Internet Reference Services Quarterly, please visit . For any questions related to this announcement please contact the editor of this issue, Michael Stephens, via e-mail or at:

Michael Stephens
Dominican University GSLIS
7900 W. Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305
[email protected]

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