Call for Papers: Special Issue on Sustainability: Michigan Journal of Sustainability

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Sustainability: Michigan Journal of Sustainability

The Michigan Journal of Sustainability is seeking high-quality work for inclusion in a special edition of our online, open-access, peer-reviewed Journal focused on strategies being taken, research underway, or promising practices to help different sectors and scales of society prepare for and build resilience to climate change.  This Journal emphasizes the translation of academic sustainability research into formats that are useful and usable to practitioners and policy makers. As such, we invite abstracts that bridge the science-policy divide as it pertains to helping society adapt to existing and projected future impacts from disasters, climate variability, and long-term climate change. This special edition of our Journal is slated for release online in early 2015.
For this special edition, the Michigan Journal of Sustainability will accept timely, innovative, and informative articles translating scholarly research on efforts to prepare society and social-ecological systems more broadly, for climate change.  Due to the crosscutting nature of the climate adaptation field, we strongly encourage articles that explore multi-disciplinary collaborations and articles that attempt to bridge sectoral or disciplinary divides. 
Manuscript Submission and Review Process
Manuscripts for consideration in this special issue are due November 3, 2014, and should be submitted online at Once received, the manuscript will be reviewed by an in-field and out-of-field expert and a member of the Editorial board. Full articles will be reviewed for accuracy, quality, and relevance to the Journal?s focus. In addition, articles will be rated in three areas to determine acceptance: (1) potential for idea transfer and development across fields; (2) immediate use for practitioners and policy makers; and (3) clarity and readiness for print.
A full list of style guidelines for articles is available at:
Optional Abstract Submission and Review Process
Because of the Journal?s unique mission of translating interdisciplinary sustainability research to a broad audience, we highly encourage prospective authors to submit an abstract before drafting their manuscript.  The Editorial Board will review submitted abstracts for applicability to both the Journal?s mission and to the specific topic of climate adaptation (for this special issue), and provide authors with early feedback to consider as they draft their article.
The deadline for abstracts for this special issue is September 3, 2014. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words (excluding references), jargon-free, describe the focus of the article, and indicate how the work is relevant to an interdisciplinary audience of academics, practitioners, and/or policy makers.  Authors should indicate what type of article they plan to write (see below for types of articles).  Citations should be presented in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, and in-text citations should appear in the author-date format [example: (Graham et al., 2014)].  Abstracts should be uploaded via:
All authors will be notified as to whether their topic is appropriate for inclusion in the Journal no later than September 12, 2014. Final decisions regarding article acceptance will be made following the submission and review of the full article manuscript, which will be due on November 3, 2014.
Fred Stoss
Frederick W. Stoss, MS (zool:ecol), MLS
Associate Librarian
Librarian for Biological Sciences, Ecology/Environmental Science and Studies, Geology, Mathematics

Science and Engineering Information Center
Oscar A. Silverman Library
Arts & Sciences Libraries
Room 228-B Capen Hall
SUNY University at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260-1672

716 645-1337

Managing Editor
Electronic Green Journal, 1st Free, Open Access Environmental Journal

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