CALL FOR POSTERS: 2008 OLAC/MOUG Conference - Rocking the Metaverse: A/V Cataloging in a Web X.0 Environment

CALL FOR POSTERS: 2008 OLAC/MOUG Conference - Rocking the Metaverse: A/V Cataloging in a Web X.0 Environment

CALL FOR POSTERS: 2008 OLAC/MOUG Conference - Rocking the Metaverse: A/V Cataloging in a Web X.0 Environment

Have you developed creative methods to deal with special format materials? Completed some research studies? Found an imaginative solution to a special format materials problem in your library? If so, why not consider sharing your expertise through a poster session at the
upcoming OLAC/MOUG conference to be held September 26-28, 2008 in Cleveland, Ohio.

All applicants should complete the Poster Session Application form below, and submit the completed form via e-mail (preferred), fax or postal mail to the Poster Session Coordinator. Applications will be reviewed by committee. Number of posters selected will depend on
available exhibition space. Applicants will be notified by August 1, 2008 whether or not their posters have been selected.

OLAC/MOUG provides the easels and tables; you provide the posters, graphics and handouts for your presentation. Presenters should plan to bring at least 50 copies of their handouts. Please make sure your contact information is on the handout. No network applications will be
available; however, you may bring a battery-powered laptop computer for your presentation. Presenters should plan to be present for the entire poster session time period.

Deadline for receipt of applications: *July 15, 2008*.



*/DEADLINE for receipt of application: /**JULY 15, 2008//*

Application form must be completed and submitted via *e-mail
(preferred), fax, *or* postal mail* to the *Poster Session Coordinator*
(listed at end of form).

Poster Title:
Name(s) and Institutional Affiliation(s) of Presenter(s):


*/Print abstract, single-spaced in the space below (150 words or less):/*

Does your presentation require an

Will you be using a laptop computer?

*/Presenter contact information:/*


Telephone: __________________________________ Fax:


Submit completed application via e-mail (preferred), fax, or mail to the
Poster Session Coordinator:

Mary Huismann
Music/Media Cataloging Coordinator
University of Minnesota
160/170 Wilson Library
309 ? 19^th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Fax: (612) 625-3428
E-mail: [email protected]

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