Calls for Participation From January D-Lib

Calls for Participation From January D-Lib

Calls for Participation From January D-Lib

5th International Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS 2006), (held in conjunction with DEXA 2006) 4 - 8 September 2006, Krakow, Poland. Call for papers. The submission date is 24 February and full papers are due 3 March 2006.

"The objective of the workshop Web Semantics (WebS) is to bring together researchers, developers and practitioners to discuss research issues and experience in developing and deploying Semantic Web concepts, applications, and solutions being an international forum for the presentation of both theoretical and applicative results. Papers describing Semantic Web application experiences are particularly encouraged."

For more information, please see


Seventeenth International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia: Tools for Supporting Social Structures (HT 2006), 23-25 August 2006, Odense, Denmark. Call for participation. The submission date is Workshop Proposals is 6 March.2006, and full Papers (8-12 pages) & hypertexts are due 10 March 2006.

"Hypertext and hypermedia are technologies for supporting structured knowledge work. The Seventeenth International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia: Tools for Supporting Social Structures (HT 2006) will focus specifically on tools that help us represent, model and interact with social structures, including cultural, literary, linguistic, and other types of social structures. Recently, in fields ranging from anthropology to linguistics, there has been an increasing focus on representing complex social phenomena using networks or other structure-intensive models. HT 2006 will bring together social scientists with hypertext and hypermedia researchers who specialize in building tools to build, manipulate, and manage structure-intensive models."

For more information, please see


8th National Russian Research Conference - Digital Libraries Advanced Methods and Technologies Digital Collections, 17 - 19 October 2006, Vladimir, Russia. Call for workshop proposals. The submission date is 31 March 2006.

"The purpose of this conference series (previous seven conferences were held in St.Petersburg (1999), Protvino (2000), Petrozavodsk (2001), Dubna (2002), St. Petersburg (2003), Pushchino (2004), Yaroslavl (2005)) is to stimulate evolvement of the Russian digital libraries community and encourage research in this field. RCDL brings Russian scientific and application communities contributing to DL field together and provides an open forum for exchange of experience, ideas and results as well as stimulates communication and co-operation between experts in the field. We welcome contributions and participation from all interested in relevant aspects of digital libraries including researchers, developers, practitioners, students, postgraduates, policy makers and users. "

For more information, please see

- Cfp: From D-lib Magazine (march 2006)
CFP: From D-Lib Magazine (March 2006) Calls for Participation Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment, 25 - 27 September 2006, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Call for papers. The submission...

- D-lib November 2005 Calls For Presentations
D-Lib November 2005 Calls for Presentations Calls for Participation International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE) 2006, 6 - 8 July 2006, Rhodes, Greece....

- D-lib Call For Participation (october 2005 Issue)
From D-Lib October 2005 Calls for Participation InSITE (Informing Science + IT Education) 2006 Conference, 25 - 28 June 2006, Salford, UK. Call for papers. The submission date is 30 November 2005. WWW 2006 - Fifteenth International World Wide Web Conference,...

- Call For Particiaption From D-lib (may 2005)
Call for Particiaption from D-Lib (May 2005) Calls for Participation (full section) 2005 International Symposium on Wikis, 17 - 18 October 2005, San Diego, California, USA. Call for demonstrations. The submission date is 1 July 2005. HDL 2005: Healthcare...

- Call For Participation From D-lib
Call for Participation Section from D-Lib, February 2005 issue Main URL" Calls for Participation EGOV05 International Conference on E-Government, 22 - 26 August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark. Call for workshop proposals. The submission date is 1 April 2005....

