CFP: 17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing Mining the Digital Information Networks

CFP: 17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing Mining the Digital Information Networks

CFP: 17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing Mining the Digital Information Networks
June 13-14, 2013, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
The main theme of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB) will be extracting and processing data from the vast wealth of digital publishing and the ways to use and reuse this information in innovative social contexts in a sustainable way. We will bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss data mining, digital publishing and social networks along with their implications for scholarly communication, information services, e-learning, e-businesses, the cultural heritage sector and other areas where electronic publishing is imperative.

Electronic publishing is continuously changing, inviting new actors and challenging traditional players. New technologies open new ways for individuals, scholars, communities and networks to establish contacts, exchange data, produce information, and share knowledge in a large variety of devices, from personal computers to mobile media.

There is an urgent need to rethink electronic publishing, in order to develop and use new communication paradigms and technologies. It is a matter of transforming and transmitting information not just into an equivalent of paper but to develop a truly digital format, to allow machine processing and new services, and to face the future of mobile life. The ELPUB 2013 conference will focus on key issues concerning the development of methods for gathering and processing information and on the means for making these data useful and accessible for the digital community.

We are open to contributors with competence and knowledge from many different fields and we welcome submissions from members of various communities whose research is transforming the nature of electronic publishing and scholarly communication. Suggested topics include, but are not restricted to:

Data Mining and Intelligent Computing
? Text Mining (natural language processing, text harvesting, dynamic formatting)
? Open Data, Open Linked Data (solutions, methods, tools)
? Web Mining (knowledge discovery in web documents)
? Association Mining (knowledge linking, discovery, presentation)
? Information Retrieval (content search, analysis and retrieval)
? Visualization (clustering, graphs, augmented reality)
? Stream Mining (video tagging, audiobook tagging)
Publishing and Access
? New publishing models (business models, tools, services and roles)
? Open access (publishing solutions, mandates, recommendations)
? Mobile information services (e-contents, e-books, etc.)
? Interoperability (scalability and middleware infrastructure)
? Legal issues (security, privacy and copyright issues)
? Digital preservation (cultural heritage, content authentication)
? Semantic web (metadata, information granularity, digital objects)
? Digital library (repositories, services, future)
? Digital heritage (genealogy)
Social Computing and Practices
? New digital media (user studies, innovative publishing, emergent publication forms)
? User interfaces (multilingual and multimodal interfaces, user generated contents)
? Specific user communities (services and technology, media and content)
? Personalization technologies (e.g. social tagging, folksonomies, RSS)
? Social interaction analysis (author collaboration trends, publication trends)
? Security, Privacy and Integrity (online ethics, privacy policies, online censorship)
? Network analysis (modelling and visualization of science networks)
? Ubiquitous computing (mobile and social network interactions, RFID book tagging, augmented and mixed reality)
Contributions are Invited for the Following Categories:
? Full Research Papers (max: 10 pages)
? Full Professional Papers (max: 10 pages)
? Extended Abstracts (max: 1,500 words)
Important Dates
October 1, 2012 Submission Site Open
January 10, 2013 Submission Deadline (Time: 11:59 PM, PST)
February 14, 2013 Author Decision Notification
March 21, 2013 Submission of Camera Ready
March 30, 2013 Early Bird Registration Deadline
June 13-14, 2013 Conference Date
Paper Submission
All submissions are subject to blind peer review. For each accepted paper, at least one author is expected to register for the conference to present the paper. Papers can be rejected, accepted for oral presentation, or accepted for poster presentation. Authors must mark their Conflict of Interests with the program committee during submission. Please review the submission details.
Papers submitted to this conference must not have been accepted or be under review by another conference or by a journal. The accepted Full Research Papers will be published by IOS Press in a digital format open access conference proceedings book. Full papers will be indexed in DBLP and Scopus, and are also expected to be indexed by ISI and INSPEC (application pending). Accepted Professional Full Papers and Extended Abstracts will be published online only. Final versions of all the works will be available online and archived at:
For Full Research Papers, the work may be either theoretical or applied but needs to demonstrate a significant contribution. A selection of the best accepted research papers of ELPUB 2013 will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Information Services & Use (IOS Press). The selection will be carried out during the review process. Selected papers need to be extended to journal articles. More information about the rules for extension will be posted later.
Paper submission will be conducted via EasyChair. To submit a paper, please use the appropriate template and follow the specific instructions available at the conference website ( The Vancouver system (?author-number?) must be used for writing references. References must be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text and must be identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets (e.g., [1]). Authors of Full Research Papers and Full Professional Papers will use the IOS Press Word or Latex manuscript templates:
Authors of Extended Abstracts will use the template above but should remove the Abstract and Keywords sections from the template and prefix the title with ?Extended Abstract:?.
All contents published in the ELPUB proceedings are distributed open access via the conference archive ( under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited. For content published in IOS Press channels, different copyright arrangements might apply.
Conference Venue
Conference Location: Karlskrona, Sweden
(World Heritage site, Visit Karlskrona)
Conference Venue: Blekinge Institute of Technology,
Karlskrona, Sweden
Organization and Program Committees
General Chair: Dr. Niklas Lavesson, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Organising Chair: Peter Linde, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Program Chair: Dr. Panayiota Polydoratou, Alexander Technological Educational Institute (Greece)
Conference Secretary: Michaela Linge, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden)

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