CFP: Academic Libraries? Collaboration with Public Libraries (ALA Annual, Chicago, July 2009)

CFP: Academic Libraries? Collaboration with Public Libraries (ALA Annual, Chicago, July 2009)

CFP: Academic Libraries? Collaboration with Public Libraries (ALA Annual, Chicagon July 2009)

The College Libraries Section of ACRL invites you to submit a presentation proposal for a program tentatively scheduled for Sunday, July 12, 2009 from 10:30 until noon at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. The title of the program is Our Town, Common Ground: Academic Libraries? Collaboration with Public Libraries.

This session is co-sponsored in name only by the Public Library Association (PLA) and the Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS).

We would like the program to provide real-world examples of academic and public libraries cooperating with one another. Experiences and reflections may be presented by individual librarians or co-presenters who represent academic and/or public libraries. Examples of cooperative endeavors include but are not limited to shared systems, buildings, or programming; cooperative digitization projects; services for distance learners; and consortial relationships. The collaborations may be short-term endeavors or permanent partnerships.

Four presentations of 15 minutes each will be selected through a blind review process. This will permit time for dialog between the presenters and questions from the audience within the 90 minutes allocated for our meeting. This presentation may be recorded as a web cast, and made available on the ALA website.

If you are interested in presenting, please send a proposal of 500 words or less to Ruth Connell at [email protected] by October 1, 2008. Please send questions to the same e-mail address. Notification of acceptance will be made by November 1, 2008.

Mary P. (Mollie) Freier
Head of Public Services and Associate Professor
Lydia M. Olson Library
Northern Michigan University
Marquette, MI 49855-5301
Phone: (906) 227-1061
[email protected]

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