CFP: Academic Libraries and Service Learning

CFP: Academic Libraries and Service Learning

CFP: Academic Libraries and Service Learning

Join us for Extending Our Reach: The Inaugural Colloquium on Academic Libraries & Service Learning. The colloquium invites all who are interested in current and potential partnerships between academic librarians, faculty who teach service learning courses and service learning partners. The conference is designed to facilitate the sharing of research, ideas, perspectives and best practices in library engagement with/in academic service learning.  The colloquium will feature a keynote speaker, 30-minute presentations, round table discussions, and poster sessions. The conference will be limited to 75 attendees to facilitate opportunities to network and connect with colleagues in this emerging focus area of librarianship. The deadline for submissions is January 31.

Full call for proposals:

Conference Focus:

The intended community for this conference includes all who are interested in current and potential partnerships between academic librarians, faculty who teach service learning courses and service learning partners. The conference is designed to facilitate the sharing of research, ideas, perspectives and best practices in library engagement with/in academic service learning. There will be a keynote speaker, 30-minute presentations, round table discussions, and poster sessions. The conference will be limited to 75 attendees to facilitate opportunities to network and connect with colleagues in this emerging focus area of academic librarianship.
The steering committee welcomes proposals on any aspect of libraries and service learning. Session topics may include, but are not limited to:
  • Accreditation
  • Retention
  • Assessment
  • Added value
  • Case studies
  • Institutional priorities
  • Student engagement
  • Student learning outcomes
Session formats include
  • Session length: 30 minutes.
  • Requirements: Written paper or designed activity to report the results of research, present case studies, or facilitate an active learning session related to libraries and service learning. Presentation sessions are limited to 30 minutes and should include time for questions. Presenters are encouraged to supply virtual handouts or other materials as appropriate.
  • Presentation proposals should include the name of the presenter(s), the title of the session, a brief presentation abstract (75-100 words), and a short bio of the presenter(s).
Poster sessions.
  • Session length: 45 min.
  • Requirements: Posters should include a creative visual representation of a topic and provide an informal way to convey research, projects, services or ideas of interest to libraries and service learning. Due to physical space limitations, a maximum number of two presenters are allowed at each poster at any one time. Presenters will be expected to set-up and host their poster display for 45 min.
  • Poster session proposals should include the name of the presenter(s), the title of the poster, a brief description of the poster (50-75 words), and a short bio of the presenter(s).
Round Table discussions
  • Session length: 60 minutes.
  • Requirements: Hosts of directed conversations will serve as host and facilitator for an informal group to discuss a pre-selected topic of common interest over lunch.
  • Applicants to host a directed conversation should submit the name of the host, three potential discussion questions, and a short bio of the host.


Join us Monday evening for an all-colloquium reception at (venue TBD)

Submissions for proposals are due by Friday, January 31, 2014 at 5:00PST. The online proposal submission form will be live in November on this site.

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