CFP: Access 2008

CFP: Access 2008

CFP: Access 2008

Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (map)

Date: October 1-3, 2008 (Hackfest: Oct 1; Conference: Oct 2-4)

CFP Deadline: Friday, February 22, 2008


Access is Canada's premier library technology conference, featuring a single stream of sessions that deal with technology planning, development, challenges and solutions. We are now accepting proposals for prepared talks on the following topics (other ideas are more than welcome):

-open source software
-national and provincial/state-wide consortia technology initiatives
-information policy
-digital and social media
-library catalogue innovations
-digitization projects
-institutional repositories
-end-user searching behaviours
-protocols and metadata
-customized web interfaces
...or anything else suitably geeky, innovative and/or awe-inspiring! Sessions are usually 45 minutes or 1 hour in length. Proposals should include:

your name, title, institutional affiliation, contact information, blog/website URL
100 word (max) abstract describing your proposed presentation
co-presenters you will (or hope to) present with
Submission Procedures:

deadline for submission is February 22, 2008.
send your proposal to Amanda Etches-Johnson, Program Chair, at [email protected]
each submission will be acknowledged and all presenters will be notified of the status of their proposal by April 15, 2008.
if you'd simply like to recommend topics and/or speakers (other than yourself), feel free to get in touch!
Depending on the number of submissions, we can't promise that every proposal will be accepted. However, we will have sessions set aside for Lightning/Thunder talks, which provide an informal opportunity to share your ideas with your peers.

For more information about Access, see the Access 2007 website at Alternatively, feel free to get in touch with the members of the Program Planning Committee:

Amanda Etches-Johnson

[email protected]

Jenn Horwath

[email protected]

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