CFP: ACRL National Conference March 30th-April 2nd 2011, Philadelphia, PA

CFP: ACRL National Conference March 30th-April 2nd 2011, Philadelphia, PA

CFP: ACRL National Conference March 30th-April 2nd 2011, Philadelphia, PA

ACRL National Conference March 30th-April 2nd 2011, Philadelphia, PA
Call for Proposals: Contributed Papers
Proposal deadline: Monday, May 10th

The Call for Conference Participation, featuring descriptions of Conference Tracks, Session Formats, Proposal Requirements, and the Online Proposal Submission Form, can be found here:

Contributed Paper Session Format Details
The Contributed Papers Committee invites research and position papers that challenge current assumptions and provoke conference participants to think creatively about issues facing academic and research librarians. Papers may report the results of completed research, describe research in progress, or present a position on a compelling problem or issue in one or more of the conference tracks. Research papers should highlight the problem, results, and conclusions while very briefly touching on method.

In an effort to maximize interactivity and to provide more opportunities for participation, papers will be grouped in threes, and each paper must be delivered in a maximum of twelve minutes, with an additional seven minutes for questions (20 minutes total) within a 60?minute time slot for all three papers. Completed papers should be about 2,500 words and should be scholarly, well organized, clearly written, and rigorously argued. Completed papers must be provided no later than December 19, 2010.

For more details:

Questions about Contributed Paper submissions should be directed to:
Marie L. Radford, [email protected]
Lisa M. Stillwell, [email protected]

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