CFP: American Theological Library Association Annual Conference

CFP: American Theological Library Association Annual Conference

CFP: American Theological Library Association Annual Conference
Date: June 13-16, 2007
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The Annual Conference Committee cordially invites members and friends of the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) to make proposals for papers, presentations, or special sessions for the ATLA 2007 Annual Conference. The conference theme is "A City of Firsts" and will take place in Philadelphia, June 13-16, 2007. The Committee will consider proposals for papers on theological librarianship, the academic disciplines of theology, and general librarianship. Proposals should include a title that captures the scope of the paper, an abstract of no more than 200 words giving the significance and focus of the paper, and the name(s) and the institution(s) of the presenter(s). The abstract might include the following elements:

-Why should people listen to this paper and what is the context of the problem addressed?
-Definitions of any terms that might not be understood.
-A summary of the main points of the paper.
-A demonstration of the presenter's track record - how the paper builds on one's professional experience, previous publications, or research.
-Proposals must be received by September 15, 2006.

Submit to:
Sandra Oslund, Chair
ATLA Annual Conference Committee
Bethel Seminary Library
3949 Bethel Drive
St. Paul, MN 55112
Phone: 651.638.6127
Fax: 651.638.6006
Email: [email protected]

Call for Ideas from the Education Committee

The Education Committee invites members and friends of ATLA to make suggestions for Pre-Conference Workshops and for Roundtables at the ATLA 2007 Annual Conference. The conference theme is "A City of Firsts," and it will take place in Philadelphia, June 13-16, 2007.

Pre-Conference Workshops, offered on Wednesday before Annual Conference, should be practice-oriented and should include some hands-on element for the participants. Workshops are offered in a half-day (3 1/2 hours) and a full-day (7 hours) format. When making a suggestion, please indicate which format the workshop would take, and what topics and activities would be included. Ideally, you would suggest a workshop you are willing to lead, but ideas and leader suggestions are also welcome. If you have attended an excellent workshop and think other ATLA members would benefit from it, please call it to our attention.

Roundtables consist of a brief presentation that should begin a discussion about a specific topic. Roundtables can cover a wide range of topics but should be more practice-oriented than theoretical. When suggesting a topic, please include what questions could be considered and who would be a good leader for the discussion. Again, it would be ideal if you suggested a session you are willing to lead, but this is not a requirement for making suggestions.

Suggestions need to be received by Septemeber 15, 2006.

Submit to:
Christina Torbert, Chair
ATLA Education Committee
University of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
Phone: 662-915-7059
Fax: 662-915-6744
Email: [email protected]

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