CFP: Assessment for the Rest of Us: Informal Techniques You Can Use (LLAMA Session at ALA Annual 2010)

CFP: Assessment for the Rest of Us: Informal Techniques You Can Use (LLAMA Session at ALA Annual 2010)

CFP: Assessment for the Rest of Us: Informal Techniques You Can Use (LLAMA Session at ALA Annual 2010)

The LLAMA MAES Data Collection for Library Managers (DCLM) committee is planning a program at the 2010 ALA Conference in D.C. called:

Assessment for the Rest of Us: Informal Techniques You Can Use

The fast-paced program will feature presenters from 8 to 10 libraries who will share ways informal assessment can lead to service improvements throughout the library. We are starting to identify possible presenters, and want to offer the opportunity first to DCLM members. Each presenter will talk for 5-7 minutes, using a standard format that will include:

· Type and size of the population/audience assessed
· Assessment approach (survey, interviews, web comments, etc.)
· Time commitment
· How the results were used

There will be time for audience participation and questions following the presentations. If you are interested in being a presenter, please e-mail a proposal to Jeanne Brown, [email protected], and Jan Lewis, [email protected], by February 1, 2010. The proposal should include the name, position, and e-mail address of the presenter, the type and size of the library, and a brief description of the assessment technique (type and size of population, assessment approach, time required, and how the results were used).

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