CFP: Exploring Spaces for Learning (Orlando January 13-15, 2013)

CFP: Exploring Spaces for Learning (Orlando January 13-15, 2013)

CFP: Exploring Spaces for Learning (Orlando January 13-15, 2013)

International HETL Conference, Orlando, Florida, January 13-15, 2013
Proposal Deadline: May 18, 2012

The International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association ( cordially invites you to attend the 2013 International HETL Conference to be held at the University of Central Florida, in cooperation with the UCF Karen L. Smith Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning.

In Towards Creative Learning Spaces: Rethinking the Architecture of Post-Compulsory Education (2011), Jos Boys raises intriguing questions about changes in the spaces we use in higher education, pushing educators to think beyond traditional categories of ?formal? and ?informal? learning sites to imagine more complex relationships between our classrooms and the world beyond them. In the wake of increasing reliance on ever-expanding virtual learning spaces, greater emphasis on experiential learning, and a push toward the global classroom, leaders in higher education must consider their work from a wide range of perspectives.
We invite you to join colleagues from around the world in an exploration of innovative technologies, pedagogical strategies, and international collaborations being used to engage and retain students in the new millennium. Together we will discuss which models and approaches are most promising, how are they being used to engage and retain students, and how we can apply them to advance the scholarship and practice of teaching and learning.

The conference will take place in Orlando, Florida. Home to the Kennedy Space Center, Walt Disney World, and other world-class attractions, the Central Florida region is recognized as a center for innovation in industries ranging from simulation and training to telecommunications, to entertainment and medicine. Please consider submitting a proposal for a presentation or simply plan on joining us as a participant.

See URL for more information:

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