CFP: International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings

CFP: International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings

CFP: International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings
October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The bi-annual International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings (ICHIM) have --since 1991-- explored cultural heritage informatics on a global scale, with a strong focus on policy,
infrastructure and economic issues. They are attended by senior cultural, governmental,
academic and publishing professionals, including library, archives and museum directors and
managers, and cultural policy advocates and analysts.

You are invited to participate in the 2007 edition of the International Cultural Heritage
Informatics Meetings. Topics of interest include:

Heritage Information & Society
* Policy
* Law
* Economics and Funding
* Convergence of Institutions

Technologically Mediated Heritage
* Resources
* Public Programs
* Services
* Collaborations

Cultural Knowledge
* Acquisition
* Retrieval
* Preservation

Digital Heritage
* Digital Art
* Representations
* Delivery methods
* Evaluation

Organizational Policy
* Best Practices
* Impacts
* Innovations

Cultural Heritage Information Systems
* Research
* Prototypes and Models
* Innovative Design
* Applications
* Architectures
* Networks

Education and Infrastructures
* Cultural & Linguistic Diversity
* Educating Cultural Heritage Informatics Professionals

Session Formats
ICHIM meetings include formal papers, round table discussions, seminars, workshops, project
briefings and demonstrations. Those interested in participating are encouraged to describe what they wish to convey and to whom; if accepted, the Program Committee will suggest an appropriate delivery format.

Deadline for Proposals: April 30, 2007.
Submit your proposal using our on-line form. See

ICHIM07 Program Committee
Co-Chairs: David Bearman and Jennifer Trant, Archives & Museum Informatics
* Maxwell Anderson, Indianapolis Museum of Art, USA
* David Arnold, University of Brighton, UK
* Liam Bannon, University of Limerick, Ireland
* Jean François Chougnet, Berardo Museum of Contemporary Art, Portugal
* Susan Chun, Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA
* Costis Dallas, Panteion University, and PRC Group SA, Greece
* David Dawson, MLA, UK
* Wendy Duff, University of Toronto, Canada
* Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Kati Geber, Canadian Heritage information Network, Canada
* Margaret Hedstrom, University of Michigan, USA
* Harald Kraemer, Universitry of Bern, Switzerland
* Ottmar Moritsch, Technisches Museum Wien, Austria
* Xavier Perrot, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, France
* Peter Sigmond, Rijksmuseum, The Netherlands
* Jane Sledge, National Museum of the American Indian, USA
* Kevin Sumption, Powerhouse Museum, Australia
* Nicole Vallières, McCord Museum, Canada
* Christabel Wright, Dept of Communications, IT and Arts, Australia

To learn more about ICHIM, see past papers on-line at

J. Trant [email protected]
Partner & Principal Consultant phone: +1 416 691 2516
Archives & Museum Informatics fax: +1 416 352 6025
158 Lee Ave, Toronto
Ontario M4E 2P3 Canada

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