CFP: Internet Librarian International 2007

CFP: Internet Librarian International 2007

CFP: Internet Librarian International 2007
8-9 October 2007 ?
Deadline 30 March 2007
Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK
New Realities, Roles and Resources

Information Today Inc. invites proposals for presentations at this conference. We are looking for a mix of papers for the sessions, workshops and short tutorials. Our emphasis is on the practical rather than theoretical. We are seeking case studies and proposals about initiatives in your organisation, not product pitches or overviews.

To be considered as a speaker, please submit your ideas at

Submission Form:

Nine years after the first Internet Librarian International, it?s clear that internet technologies have vastly altered our professional and personal lives. The amount and types of information available in digitised form has increased exponentially, presenting information professionals with challenges in finding, analysing, managing, customising and sharing information. The new realities of electronic research affect everything we do. New roles mean we may not call ourselves librarians and new resources change our approach to research.

It's an exciting, exhilarating, sometimes exhausting world for internet librarians. What has worked in your work environments and what has not? Share your experiences and thoughts with your colleagues during Internet Librarian International this autumn.

Possible topics (but don't let this limit your imagination):

Web search
Federated search
Digital libraries/collections
Social software and social networking
Blogs, wikis, podcasts
Libraries as publishers
Taxonomies, folksonomies
Evidence-based librarianship
Gaming in the library
Information policy
Web site usability
Needs assessment
Collaborative working Text mining
Internet resources
Communicating value
Managing e-resources
Mobile technology
Library 2.0
Open access; open source
Distance learning, e-learning
Multimedia searching
Innovative projects
Incorporating new technologies Web design
Content management
Training and teaching

The Advisory Committee will review all submissions and notification regarding acceptance will be made this summer. If your proposal is selected, the primary speaker will receive a free registration to the full conference, which includes lunches and a reception. The organisers are not responsible for speakers? travel and accommodation costs. October is a perfect time to visit London, and the Copthorne Tara Hotel is centrally located and reasonably priced.

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