CFP: Library Instruction West 2016: Learning Elevated (June 2016 - Salt Lake City, Utah)

CFP: Library Instruction West 2016: Learning Elevated (June 2016 - Salt Lake City, Utah)

Call for Proposals: Library Instruction West 2016: Learning Elevated

The Library Instruction West 2016 Program Committee invites you to submit a proposal to present at our conference, to be held Wednesday, June 8th through Friday, June 10th, 2016 at Westminster College and University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah, co-hosted by institutions across the state.

Library Instruction West is the new name for the popular LOEX of the West conference. The new name reflects the mission of the conference and reflects our regional spirit; it also distinguishes this conference from the national LOEX organization and conference.

Library Instruction West 2016 has chosen ?Learning Elevated? as this year?s theme. Utah is widely known for its beautiful mountain ranges and five national parks. In keeping with that landscape, we want to hear about ways librarians are elevating and increasing student learning at their institutions. General categories for possible topics include:

  • Beware of false summits: Elevating student learning 
  • Tools for the trail: Supporting innovative technologies & online learning 
  • Improve the path for next time: Building authentic assessments 
  • Establish new footholds: Implementing threshold concepts & the Framework 
  • Never hike alone: Collaborating with faculty 
  • Finding your path: Developing ourselves as teachers 
Please visit the conference website for more information:

Session Formats

Our session formats are simple and allow for creativity. There are two options for session length: 15 minutes and 45 minutes. The 15 minute sessions will be like a longer lightning talk, with roughly 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Bring your energy for lively discussions! The format is flexible for the 45 minute sessions, and you are welcome to try an experimental format or propose a traditional session like a panel, workshop, or presentation. All proposals will be blind reviewed.

Proposal Submissions
The deadline for submitting your session proposal is 11:59 pm MST, Friday, October 2, 2015.

For your proposal, please submit the following two session descriptions:

1. A short abstract of 150 words or less. If your proposal is accepted, we will use this abstract for the conference program. The review committee will not see these abstracts, so they can include identifying information.

2. A longer session description of 300 - 500 words. The Program Committee will review this description for selection purposes. This description must not include any identifying information about the institution or presenters to ensure a blind review.

The submission form is available online:

Session proposals will be scored on these criteria:
  • Clarity of goals or objectives for session 
  • Originality, creativity, or innovation in content and/or presentation 
  • Timeliness/relevance of content 
  • Connection to conference theme, ?Learning Elevated? 
  • August 3, 2015: Call for proposal released
  • October 2, 2015: Deadline for proposal submission
  • December 18, 2015: Acceptance notifications sent via email
  • January 15, 2016: Session confirmations due
  • June 8-10, 2016: Library Instruction West in Salt Lake City, Utah

We are pleased to continue a successful relationship with Reference Services Review. Presenters are encouraged to submit a paper based on their presentation for inclusion in a special issue of RSR. Selected papers will be published, subject to double blind peer review, in 2017.

Contact information for questions:

Questions about submitting a proposal? Email us at: [email protected]
Twitter hashtag: #liw16

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