CFP: Mid-Atlantic Digital Library Conference 2008

CFP: Mid-Atlantic Digital Library Conference 2008

CFP: Mid-Atlantic Digital Library Conference 2008

July 9, 2008
Hosted by Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania


March 18, 2008, Lewisburg, PA -- Bucknell University's Library & Technology Division is pleased to issue this Call for Proposals for the first Mid-Atlantic Digital Library Conference. The conference goal is to bring together librarians and technologists from a wide range of cultural heritage institutions such as colleges and universities, libraries, museums, historical societies, and art galleries, who are interested in providing digital access to their collections. The conference seeks to support this community through a mix of speakers, contributed papers and posters, workshops, and engaging discussion. The conference will be held on July 9, 2008.

Librarians, technologists, and other information professionals with responsibility for or an interest in digitization projects, metadata, and digital library systems. Sessions will range in scope and depth. Some sessions will be appropriate for those with no prior knowledge in
the field, while others will be more technical in nature.

Conference Topics
Conference presentations are sought in all areas related to digital libraries, including the following:

- Case studies
- Collaborative projects
- Digital content for teaching (K-12)
- Digital content for teaching (higher education)
- Digital images
- Digital library systems and architecture
- Digital projects -- archives and historical societies
- Digital projects -- museums and art galleries
- Digital projects -- public libraries
- Digital projects -- special libraries
- Digitizing art collections and other rare/fragile materials
- Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
- Getting started with digitization projects
- Grant-funded projects
- Metadata
- Working with faculty
- Working with students
- Working with IT staff

We encourage proposals targeted at all levels of experience (introductory, intermediate, and advanced) and a wide range of audiences (academic librarians, public librarians, special/corporate librarians, archivists, museum curators, digital library technologists, library administrators, library/information science graduate students).

The program committee hopes to have several tracks to accommodate a wide range of topics, experience levels, and audiences.

Presentation Formats
Proposals are invited for a variety of formats: lecture-style
presentations, panel discussions, and posters.

Submitting a Proposal
Email proposals to [email protected]. Proposals must include the
following information:

Proposed session title
One- to two-paragraph abstract
Name(s) and contact information for all presenters
Type of session being proposed (lecture-style presentation, panel
discussion, or poster)
For lecture-style presentations: level of experience (introductory,
intermediate, or advanced)

Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Notification to proposal
authors is expected to occur by early May.

Feel free to contact Bucknell University's Digital Initiatives Group
[email protected] if you have questions or proposal ideas you would
like to discuss before submitting a proposal.

Conference Location
Bucknell University is located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. The campus is
in a beautiful rural setting adjacent to the Susquehanna River.
Harrisburg and State College (home of Penn State University) are about
an hour away; New York, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh are approximately a three- to four-hour drive.

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