CFP: NASIG 25th Annual Conference

CFP: NASIG 25th Annual Conference

CFP: NASIG 25th Annual Conference
An Oasis in Shifting Sands: NASIG at 25 June 3-6, 2010 Palm Springs, California

The 2010 Program Planning Committee (PPC) invites proposals and/or program ideas for pre-conference, vision, strategy, and tactics sessions. The Program Planners are interested in hearing from publishers, vendors, librarians, and others in the field of serials and electronic resources about issues relating to scholarly communication, publishing, licensing, and cataloging. Proposals based on both descriptive and experimental research findings are especially welcome. The Program Planning Committee will review all submitted proposals for their content and timeliness and may work with potential presenters to blend or refocus proposals to maximize their relevance to attendees and avoid duplication.

This Call for Proposals will close on September 25, 2009.
The Program Planning Committee hopes to notify applicants of the status of their proposals in December 2009.

Inquiries may be sent to the PPC co-chairs, Morag Boyd and Anne Mitchell at: [email protected]

For additional details and to suggest a proposal or idea, please complete the online form []

(Apologies for Cross-Posting)

Morag Boyd
Acting Head, Special Collections Cataloging The Ohio State University Libraries
(614) 247-8622
[email protected]

Marilyn M. Carney
Publicist, NASIG, Inc.
[email protected]

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