CFP: Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice (PaLRaP) - Open Access Journal from the Pennsylvania Library Association

CFP: Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice (PaLRaP) - Open Access Journal from the Pennsylvania Library Association

CFP: Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice (PaLRaP) - Open Access Journal from the Pennsylvania Library Association

Pa Library Association Launches Scholarly, Open Access Journal; Submissions Now Being Accepted

Mechanicsburg, PA - The College and Research Division (CRD) of the Pa Library Association (PaLA) launched a scholarly, open access journal. The journal, which was introduced at the PaLA annual conference in Gettysburg on October 1, will share information about the research and practices taking place in Pennsylvania's academic libraries.

The journal, Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice (PaLRaP), will be peer reviewed by members of the Pennsylvania library community and will be freely available online for anyone to read.

The first issue will be published in March 2013 and will be available at the journal's website: The journal is now accepting submissions for research, practice, and commentary articles and for news items for the March 2013 issue. Guidelines can be found on the journal website, and the priority submission date for consideration for publication in the upcoming issue is January 15.

The journal will initially be published two times per year (March and October) and will provide an opportunity for librarians in Pennsylvania to share their knowledge and experience with practicing librarians across the Commonwealth and beyond. Readers will be exposed to the unique and valuable work of librarians in Pennsylvania that may not be published elsewhere in the library literature. PaLRaP will include research, practice, commentary, and news articles from all areas of librarianship, with a special focus on activities in Pennsylvania's academic libraries. Open access to the journal will ensure that submissions are distributed widely and freely to all interested readers. When available, audio and video content will supplement text based documents.

The scholarly community in the U.S. and beyond is making a move toward open access content so that research is made freely available to everyone. PaLA joins a group of library associations across the country that offer their own scholarly, open access journals; this group includes the Association of College & Research Libraries and the Medical Library Association.

This journal is run by a volunteer staff of CRD members, each with two year terms in various journal management positions. The journal is published by the University Library System (ULS), University of Pittsburgh, through its E-Journal Publishing Program.

For more information, visit or contact [email protected].

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Founded in 1901, the Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) is the state's oldest and most diverse professional library organization serving libraries, library employees, library trustees, and Friends of the Library groups. PaLA represents more than 1,900 personal, institutional, and commercial members affiliated with public, academic, special, and school libraries throughout the Commonwealth. The association represents the profession in Harrisburg and provides opportunities for professional growth, leadership development, and continuing education for librarians. For more information, visit

CRD is the College and Research Division of the Pa Library Association. The division provides a focus for the academic libraries in the state. For more information, visit

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