CFP: RUSA CODES Materials Reviewing Committee (ALA Annual, Anaheim, 2008)

CFP: RUSA CODES Materials Reviewing Committee (ALA Annual, Anaheim, 2008)

CFP: RUSA CODES Materials Reviewing Committee (ALA Annual, Anaheim, 2008)

The RUSA CODES Materials Reviewing Committee is asking for suggestions for speakers at its proposed program for the 2008 ALA Annual Conference. The following is the abstract of this Program:

?The program will look at reviewing sources for materials that are not covered in the traditional reviewing sources and at alternative sources for all types of reviews. Potential topics include reviews for web resources and electronic databases, genre fiction, graphic novels, alternative press publications, gray literature, and other formats. One speaker might also talk about review sources on the Web with a focus on alternative resources.?

Please email me if you would like to volunteer or have names to suggest. The Committee would also invite any potential speakers or anyone interested in helping with the program to attend its ALA committee meeting that will take place on Saturday, June 23 at 10:30 am in California Room of the Capital Hilton.



Robert P. Holley
Professor, Library & Information Science Program
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202
313-577-4021 (phone)
313-577-7563 (fax)
[email protected] (email)

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