CFP: Special Issue: Open Access in Higher Education (Canadian Journal of Higher Education)

CFP: Special Issue: Open Access in Higher Education (Canadian Journal of Higher Education)

CFP: Special Issue: Open Access in Higher Education (Canadian Journal of Higher Education)

The increasing adoption of an Open Access approach to knowledge production and
dissemination has presented the higher education community with a wide range of challenges and opportunities. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education endeavours to provide leadership in the field of higher education by fostering a dialogue on this multifaceted topic. In this special
issue, we invite submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following:

models of Open Access (e.g., financing structures; open review; self-archiving in central, distributed or thematic depositories); evaluation of Open Access journal content, including open peer review, new metrics (e.g., downloads, hits); the relationship between libraries and Open
Access journals (setting up and managing repositories, consortial support for Open Access
publications, repository consortia); Open Access and learned societies; Open Access and publishers; Open Access and the academic career: graduate student publications, tenure, promotion, and issues of citation; Open Access and funding agencies: mandating issues (e.g., SSHRC, CIHR, NIH, Wellcome Trust) Open Access and Open Data; Open Access in the humanities and the social sciences: the issue of Open-Access monographs; promotion and growth: building readership, authors, and reviewers; creating visibility authority and prestige;
Open Access and the promotion of national publications; key benefits and challenges of Open Access; the OA ?Advantage? Open Access and the relationship of the wider public to knowledge;
Open Access and shifting power systems of knowledge in Canada and beyond; the impact of Open Access initiatives on university research; Open Access and issues of participation, citizenship, and democracy.

We particularly welcome interdisciplinary, inter-provincial, and international comparative
approaches with Canada on this topic. Also, we encourage submissions on Open Access that address the diversity of provincial, national and international contexts in which Canadian higher education operates

This issue will be published in December 2009.
The deadline for submissions is as follows:

Working titles and abstracts (1000 words) in
either English or French, are due March 31, 2009.
Authors who are invited to submit papers will be notified by April 30, 2009.

Invited full papers of 5000 to 7,500 words (firm
maximum) are due July 31, 2009.
All papers will undergo a full blind peer review process.

Final revisions are due on October 30, 2009.

Articles may be submitted in the following
formats: OpenOffice (*.odt), MS-Word (*.doc or *.docx).
Please send materials to

Dr. Jean-Claude Guédon
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Open Access
Littérature comparée, Université de Montréal

email: [email protected]
Phone: 514-343-6208 (office); 514-288-8857 (home)
Fax: 514-343-2211

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