CFP: Star Wars edited volume for 2005

CFP: Star Wars edited volume for 2005

NOTE: Bit off topic -- but it might be good for public library collection development/use

Call For Papers (CFP)

Subject: The Star Wars film franchise and associated cultural phenomena A volume to be edited by Matthew Kapell & John Shelton Lawrence

Having received promising preliminary interest from an international publisher, this CFP solicits chapter ideas for an edited volume on the Star Wars film franchise and related cultural phenomena, including games, novels, toys, fan groups, religious inspirations, political resonances, etc.. It would be a volume in a proposed series entitled ?Cultural Reception and Interpretation.? Information on the first book of that series, Jacking In to the Matrix Franchise: Cultural Reception and Interpretation (2004), will aid potential contributors in understanding our aims and style. Details of that volume can be found at the web address listed at the bottom of this CFP.

Scope: Intended as a broadly interdisciplinary volume on the films of the Star
Wars franchise, this book aims at a wide audience including undergraduates, graduate students, academics and interested "civilians" in the areas of anthropology, sociology, American studies, communications, English, history, philosophy, cultural studies, and
related disciplines. This work seeks accessibility to a broad readership while maintaining intellectual rigor. As essays for the general reader, contributor essays must be written in language that does not presuppose reader familiarity with academic jargon. As a compilation of interdisciplinary perspectives addressing the full range of Star Wars cultural production, this work will not resemble any Star Wars volumes
currently in the marketplace. Because films are the principal avenue of dissemination, we prefer those contributions that reflect familiarity with the entire series of films released through the expected date of publication. The timing of the volume is designed to mesh with the final film of the franchise, but references to non-filmic aspects of the
franchise are expected where appropriate.


Proposal submission: The editors require a one-paragraph proposal (100-150 words) with abbreviated C.V. or resume by July 15, 2004.

Publisher?s Decision: We anticipate a decision about the project by the end of the summer 2004.

Your notification: If the publisher decides to underwrite this project, you will be informed about the fit of your proposal for this volume by October 15, 2004

Contributor?s Timetable: The final film of the franchise is to be released in May 2005. Finished papers would need to be in the editors? hands no later than June 30, 2005. Prior to the release of the final film the editors would need to see drafts of papers. We realize that contributors would need to make changes in light of the narrative events
of the final film. However, to edit a coherent volume we would require a preliminary draft by March 2005.

Page Length: 20-30 pages, including Works Cited and notes. This is approximately 6,000 words. The style is MLA with parenthetical citations for all but explanatory notes. 6th edition of 2003, commonly called ?The Gold Edition.? Should your proposal be accepted the editors will offer a more specific style guide.

The Editors: Matthew Kapell, (The University of Michigan-Dearborn, anthropology, Women?s studies, American studies and at Wayne State University, history) and John Shelton Lawrence (Emeritus, Morningside College, philosophy).

Please indicate interest by e-mailing editors at:

[email protected]

With your submission, please provide the following contact information.

Physical address at office:
Physical address at home:
Departmental affiliation, if any:
Preferred telephone:
Secondary telephone:
Fax #
Primary email:
Secondary email

Please note, in the previous volume every effort was made to include
graduate students, junior faculty, independent scholars and
non-academics. We intend the same here.

Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Matthew Kapell & John Shelton Lawrence

Previous Volume Information can be found here:

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