CFP: Web 2.0/History 2.0: Making History Together

CFP: Web 2.0/History 2.0: Making History Together

CFP: Web 2.0/History 2.0: Making History Together

Web 2.0/History 2.0: Making History Together
The American Association for History and Computing (AAHC)
2008 Annual Conference
Access via Internet
April 20-22, 2008
Deadline: February 28, 2008

"The central principle behind the success of the giants born in the Web 1.0 era who have survived to lead the Web 2.0 era appears to be this, that they have embraced the power of the web to harness collective intelligence." -Tim O'Reilly, 2005

Join the American Association for History and Computing for an online exploration of the ways that technology is pushing the boundaries of the Web and the ways history is being presented. This conference will be of interest to anyone who is charged with bringing history to life - both online and in the academic and public worlds' such as archivists, librarians, historic preservationists, IT professionals, filmmakers, and academic historians. The conference will explore questions such as:

-What does Web 2.0 History involve?
-How does Web 2.0 History differ from Web 1.0 History?
-What does it enable us to do that could not be done in Web 1.0?
-What are the implications of Web 2.0 History for teaching and research?
-What are the positive and negative aspects of Web 2.0 History?

This online conference goes beyond theory into the realm of practice. It intends to highlight efforts to build history initiatives using the Web. The goal of this conference is to emphasize both practical and theoretical applications of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 enables the quick application and sharing of ideas; therefore, proposals that build something new or create new collaborations out of existing programs (i.e. "mashing-up") are especially encouraged.

Suggested topics for proposals include (but are not limited to):

-"Viral" history
-Open source programs used to interpret history
-Tagging and history
-Wikis and history
-Blogs and history
-RSS and history
-Data ownership: databases and history analysis
-Mapping history (Google-based documentation)
-Podcasting and history
-Digital video (such as YouTube) and history
-Virtual worlds (such as Second Life) and history

If you are an historian (academic, public, secondary education, graduate student) or engage history through a related discipline (librarian, archivist, publisher, editor, etc.), you are invited to submit your panel or single presentation proposals.

All presenters must be current members of the AAHC. For more information about membership, please visit our website at

Proposals for complete panels should include a chair. All proposals must include a 200-word abstract for each paper, along with a brief vita for each participant. Please be sure to indicate which member of the panel will serve as the contact person for future correspondence. Please include name, address, telephone number, and email address for each participant.

The deadline for proposal submissions is February 28, 2008. Electronic submissions are encouraged.

Please direct submissions and inquiries to either:
Aaron Marcavitch
President, AAHC
Email: [email protected]


Jillian Hinegardner
Phone: 440-449-5478
Email: [email protected]

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