CFP: WILU 2013 - Canada's Library Instruction Conference

CFP: WILU 2013 - Canada's Library Instruction Conference

CFP: WILU 2013 - Canada's Library Instruction Conference

WILU 2013 marks the 42nd year of the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use, the Canadian-based conference on teaching and learning in a library context.

Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2013 ? Call for Proposals

The WILU Programming Committee invites proposals to be considered for presentation at WILU 2013 ( The Conference will be held at The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 8-10, 2013.

As Canada?s oldest English-language university, UNB carries its traditions into all opportunities and innovations. The theme for WILU 2013 is Synchronicity: The Time is Now and it reflects the increasing need for Instruction Librarians to balance a myriad of seemingly competing demands. We invite proposals that consider what it means to provide timely information literacy programs in a world of synched devices, decentralized instruction, and information overload, all while serving institutions in flux.

Possible  topics include

·      Merging tradition with innovation
·      Balancing educational theory with pedagogical practice
·      Providing instruction for interdisciplinary programs
·      Theorizing instructional technology
·      Distributed instruction
·      Information ethics
·      Open access resources for instruction
·      Literacies: information and beyond

** Deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, December 3rd, 2012.**

Types of Sessions:

Presentation Sessions

A forty-five (45) minute session grounded in formal research or applied practice, which includes a thirty-five (35) minute presentation and a ten (10) minute question/discussion period.

Ignite Talks

A five (5) minute presentation accompanied by twenty (20) slides which automatically advance every fifteen (15) seconds. Ignite talks promote awareness of a topic and foster conversation. They can focus on anything from quick tips to big picture thinking on an issue, and can be provocative, tangential, irreverent or just plain fun. Ignite Talks are part of a growing global tradition. More information about style and structure can be found at

Pre-Conference Workshops

A two-and-half (2.5) hour participatory workshop on one aspect of the theory, practice or social/political dynamics of library instruction. Venue will be assigned according to space and/or technology needs.

Submission Information

Please submit your proposal by Monday December 3rd, 2012. All proposals should be submitted using the WILU 2013 proposal submission form found online at  .  Potential presenters will be notified by January 31st, 2013. All presenters are responsible for their own registration, travel and accommodation.

The Programming Committee will employ a blind selection process where all identifying information including the presenter?s name, institution and contact information will be excluded. Proposals will be evaluated based on originality, practicality, relevance to the conference theme, and contribution to the field.

Questions? Please email [email protected]

Lesley Balcom and Joanne Smyth
WILU 2013 Co-Chairs

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