Continuing into March....

Continuing into March....

Book BINGO! 

We here at MPL are having a friendly competition to raise $$ for a great cause! Want to see one of us take the plunge on March 28th? Just stop in and make your pledge into our bucket or better et, make an online donation - Just make sure to indicate in "comment" section which librarian your voting for! 

Polar Plunge 2015
Freezing for a Reason 
Cause: SD Special Olympics

- Summer Reading Program
The Summer Reading program begins on June 1st!  Kids ages 3 thru 4th grade can read books from the Madison Public Library and  earn prizes. Stop at the Madison Public Library to pick up your reading chart. Read for 15 minutes/day. Mark your...

- What's Happening @ Your Library!
"Drive In" Movie Friday, February 13th 1:30pmOpen for all children! (kids 4 and under need to be accompanied by an adult)"Drive-in box cars" to sit and watch in are available for ages 3-6  (limited number, first come basis)Movie rated PG...

- Thank You!
Library Fans, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.... for taking your time in completing our survey. In all we had a 116 survey completions and are anxiously awaiting to peruse the results to make better decisions for this community! For your time,...

- Polar Plunge Challenge
Which Librarian is going to take the Plunge?IT IS UP TO YOU! Pledging is underway! Wondering who is in the lead? It sure is a close race.... stop in and check it out! Can't make it in and still want to donate?

- From The Shelves...
Are you wondering what NEW Books have come into the library for your reading delight? *For Kids/Teens*  Check out our Facebook page October 2013 See a book you like or want?  Comment on the photo on Facebook, call, email, or stop in to...

