From Our Back Pages: Early Emergency Fire Response
The photograph above is the Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department building and trucks, ca. 1951. |
The Virginia Room has a growing archive of oral histories, recorded by residents on topics of all kinds. This one is from Walter R. De Groot, on the Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department: "Every fire house had a code and you heard like the sound of the fifth cycle up and down, up and down, and you had to count those. As I recall, Clarendon was three. If they didn't get many people they turned the siren on again and it would cycle up and down... If you heard the siren, you called the dispatcher and the dispatcher would just immediately spit out an address and hang up, he was so busy."
Read more of De Groot's oral history, and share your own memories of the Arlington Fire Department, on Our Back Pages.
Memories Of Queen City
John Henderson grew up in Queen CityDid you miss last month's Arlington Reunion History Program on Queen City? The Ballston-Virginia Square Patch sent a reporter to the program, and they have published an excellent recap: In Queen City, a man...
Truck Zoo Photos!
Thank you to everyone who came to our (hopefully first of many) Truck Zoo on Saturday morning, and made this such a great event. Thanks especially to all the people who brought their trucks and other vehicles to us - the Arlington County Police...
Truck (not Animal) Petting Zoo - May 21
On Saturday, May 21 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Central Library will be taken over by trucks and other cool vehicles! Children of all ages are invited. We expect to have: A fire engine from the Arlington Fire Department A street sweeper, garbage truck...
Around The Library: The First Weekly Update From Our Blogs - Sept. 1-13
Welcome to Around the Library - a weekly roundup of postings from our other Library blogs, including Our Back Pages, Tots to Tweens and TATAL. Starting next week, Around the Library will come out once a week - but this first one covers the first week...
The Arlington Years: Library Wins Abbie Award For "best Place To Learn Something New"
The Arlington YearsThoughts From County Native and Arlington Public Library Director, Diane Kresh It was announced at today's County Board Meeting that Arlington Public Library was voted "Best Place to Learn Something New" in the 2009 Arlington's...