May Book Discussions

May Book Discussions

Book discussion groups will meet on Thursday, May 17, at 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm.

The afternoon group will discuss novels that include recipes.  Books by Diane Mott Davidson and Joanne Fluke are examples.  If you are inspired to try a recipe included in the book you are reading, bring samples!

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The evening group will discuss Three Maids for a Crown, a novel about the Grey sisters--princesses of royal blood--and their struggle to survive in the Tudor court.

You are invited to attend either or both of these discussions.

- September Book Discussions
Join us for book discussions at the Madison Public Library on Thursday, September 19th.     The afternoon group will meet at 1:30 pm to talk about Neither Wolf Nor Dog [Author: Kent Nerburn]      The evening group...

- May Book Discussion Groups
A reminder that book discussion groups will meet at the Library on Thursday, May 16... The afternoon group will meet at 1:30 pm to discuss Michael Ondaatje's The Cat's Table.  Copies of this book are still available at the circulation desk....

- February Book Discussions
Join us at the Madison Public Library for book discussions on Thursday, February 21st.      The afternoon group will meet at 1:30 pm to discuss Life of Pi by Yann Martel.  Copies of this book are available at the Library and as...

- September Book Discussion Groups
     Book discussion groups will meet at the Madison Public Library on September 20th.  Anyone interested is invited to join.      The afternoon group will meet at 1:30 pm to discuss The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel...

- February Book Discussions
Book discussion clubs continue to meet in the afternoon and evening of the third Thursday of each month. In February the afternoon group will discuss Miss Timmins' School for Girls.  The evening group will be discussing Hotel on the Corner of...

