Summer Storytimes

Summer Storytimes

The Youth Services librarians are taking a hiatus from regular preschool storytimes while they visit all the Arlington elementary schools over the next few weeks.

In the meantime take a look at our upcoming summer preschool program schedule. These programs begin the week of July 12.
And please note the new start times for the Friday morning storytimes at Central.

We look forward to seeing you and your preschoolers back at storytime later this summer!

- Preschool Storytimes Resume Jan. 9
Our regular preschool storytime schedule will resume on January 9, 2012. Get a complete printable storytime schedule [pdf] All of our storytimes are drop-in, and no registration is required. Because we have limited seating space in some locations, they...

- Preschool Storytime On Hiatus Nov. 19 - Jan. 9
Our preschool storytimes are now on hiatus - we'll resume a regular storytime schedule in the new year, starting January 9, 2012. During our hiatus, storytimes will continue at the Glencarlyn Branch Library on the following dates: Under 2s -Mondays,...

- Preschool Storytime On Hiatus
After a fantastic summer, our preschool storytimes are taking a break. We hope the rest of your summer is great, and we look forward to seeing you again after September 12. You'll find our fall storytime schedule on Kids Corner, or print out your...

- Preschoolers Warm-up With Storytime At Columbia Pike
The Columbia Pike Branch Library will offer 2 different preschool storytimes for the Winter/Spring 2011 season. Storytimes begin the Week of Jan. 10. All storytimes are free and do not require registration, so please join us. NO storytimes will be held...

- Preschool Summer Storytimes On Hiatus
Our summer preschool storytimes end Friday, August 13. But don't despair, the youth services team is busy planning the fall storytime schedule and will offer a range of programming throughout the Library system, beginning in mid-September. Check...

