The Little Green House Visits Central

The Little Green House Visits Central

The Arlington Career Center's student-built "Little Green House" - a mobile exhibit on way to build Green - will visit Central Library this Friday and Saturday, April 16 - 17, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Little Green House exhibit is built of recycled and environmentally friendly materials by students at the Arlington County Career Center, and showcases green products and services to help renters and home owners reduce their consumption of natural resources to preserve the environment.

- Call For Speakers For "going Green @ Your Library 2: Working Green, Teaching Green
Call for Speakers for "Going Green @ Your Library 2: Working Green, Teaching Green" Amigos' second Going Green @ Your Library online conference will be Wednesday, November 3, 2010. We are looking for librarians interested in sharing their ideas, experiences...

- New In Sustainability: "going To Green"
The Plaza Branch Library has recently added the PBS educational DVDs Going to Green to our collection. This series was developed as a teaching tool based on a high school curriculum written by Joe D'Agnese and Denise Kiernan,.in partnership with the...

- New In Green Building: Complete Guide To Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods
Thinking about building your own house? The Green / Sustainability collection at the Plaza Branch Library now includes John Nunan's The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster,...

- New On Dvd At Plaza: "building Green"
The Plaza Branch Library just added Building Green, a 3 DVD set of the first season of the PBS television show by the same name, to it's Green/Sustainability collection. Hosted by Kevin Contreras, the series follows the step-by-step construction of...

- Green Reference At Plaza
The Plaza Branch Library just received 5 new books on Green planning, design, and business entrepreneurship. Plaza's copies are housed in our Reference section, but there is at least one borrowable copy of each title at the Central Library - click...

