What is a Playaway?

What is a Playaway?

Playaway is the simplest way to listen to audiobooks on the go. Each of our Playaways comes with the digital content already pre-loaded on it. Simply add batteries, plug in your earphones and enjoy. 

Playaway FAQs
How do I know which titles you have?
We have hundreds of titles for adults and teens listed in the library catalog. Just search for the keyword playaway. Use the Classic Catalog and limit the keyword search to only titles not checked out, by clicking "Branch Limiting Options" and checking boxes for your most convenient branches, plus "Limit only to items that are available on the shelf." Most playaway catalog entries also provide a brief summary of the book.

How can I borrow a Playaway?
Playaways checkout for 3 weeks and are renewable twice. Overdue fines are $.30/day. Playaways may be placed on hold for pickup at any library location.

How do I use a Playaway?
When you borrow a Playaway from the library you'll need to provide your own ear phones and AAA battery. Otherwise, it's just plug and play. Printable How to Play Guide (PDF)

How big is a Playaway and how much content can it hold?

Playaway is about half the size of a deck of cards and holds content up to 80 hours of play time.

How does Playaway compare to other types of audiobooks, like CDs, MP3s, and cassettes?
Playaway is the only format of audiobook that does not require a separate player, so it comes ready-to-listen, without the need for a certain type of player or advanced technical know-how. Playaway allows the listener to control the speed of the narrator's voice and automatically remembers where you left off when you power down.

What does the audio sound like on a Playaway?
Playaway audio is of equal or greater quality to digital downloads available today, due to proprietary audio processing, production and leading edge codecs.

Why can't I add, delete or transfer content on or from a Playaway?
In order to protect the copyrighted works of authors and publishers as traditional books do, you are unable to make copies of Playaway.

Curious? Examine a Playaway up close. What do you think? Let us know

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