Women's History Month Resources

Women's History Month Resources

Why celebrate Women's History? Because women are half of our story. The Women's National History Project states that:
"Recognizing the achievements of women in all facets of life ? science, community, government, literature, art, sports, medicine ? has a huge impact on the development of self-respect and new opportunities for girls and young women."

Explore Women's History through books, on the web and with local organizations:

- Call For Chapters: Women, Work, And The Web: How The Web Creates Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Call for Chapters: Women, Work, and the Web: How the Web Creates Entrepreneurial Opportunities Book Publisher: Scarecrow Press Co-editor: Carol Smallwood Co-ed., Women on Poetry: Writing, Revising, Publishing and Teaching (McFarland, 2012) on Poets...

- Call For Co-editor For Two Anthologies (women As Poets And Women Writing On Families)
Call for co-editor for two anthologies (women as poets and women writing on families) Looking for a woman co-editor for 2 anthologies: one about women as poets, the other about women writing on family. Both are about half completed and co-editor would...

- Articles Requested For Book On Gender And Museums
Articles requested for book on gender and museums Deadline: April 15, 2008 I am collecting articles for a reader on gender in museums. Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to): representations of gays and lesbians in historic sites; careers...

- Cfp - Society For The History Of Authorship, Reading, And Publishing
SHARP (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing) will be sponsoring two panels at the American Literature Association annual 16th annual conference at the Westin Copley Place in Boston, Massachusetts, on May 26-29, 2005 (Thursday...

- Happy 178th Birthday Louisa May Alcott!
On October 29th, the Aurora Hills Library will celebrate the birthday of novelist Louisa May Alcott who wrote the children's literature classic Little Women.  Little Women has influenced generations of young women and the Aurora Hills Librarian...

