"Pocomoke Street Kids" Donate Lemonade Money For Haiti
Catherine, Meghan, Gwen and Simon (Ryan not pictured) |
On Saturday, July 9, four smiling faces walked into the Westover Branch Library, and handed the librarian on duty an envelope full of money, and a letter.Were they there to pay a fine? No!
They had spent all day manning a lemonade stand in a nearby park, earning an impressive $23.25. When they remembered that the Library will donate 50 cents to help rebuild Haiti's Petit-Goave Library for each child who turns in a completed summer reading log, the kids realized their lemonade money could help us do even more to help Petit Goave.
We are so grateful for their help, and their thoughtfulness!
Video: We Read For Haiti
As of July 30, 6811 kids have signed up for summer reading, and to help send money to rebuild the Petit Goave Library in Haiti. Desiree, youth services librarian at the Columbia Pike Branch Library, wrote up the full story for IFLA's June...
What Are Tap Tap Buses Doing At The Library?
During this year's Get Caught Reading program, the Friends of the Library will donate 50 cents to help rebuild our sister library in Petit Goave, Haiti for each child who meets his or her reading goal. Children's librarian Rachel decided to promote...
Haitian Tap Tap Arrives At Westover Library
On Tuesday the Westover Branch Library celebrated the arrival of a replica Haitian Tap Tap bus which was created by students at the Langston-Brown After School Center. The painted buses serve as a visual reminder that reading this summer will not only...
Adopt A Library: Help Us To Help Petit Goave Library
For the past year, the Petite Goave Library has operated out of a tent In January 2011, the Arlington Public Library adopted the Petit Goave Library in Haiti, which was damaged in the devastating January 2010 earthquake. How can you help us to...
Helping Haiti--a New Partnership
Arlington Public Library is reaching out to Haiti with the goal of helping rebuild the municipal library in the coastal town of Petit-Goâve a year after the devastating earthquake and aftershocks. Destroyed Petit-Goâve Library A year ago on Jan. 12,...