A Book Box

A new use for an old favorite book. Looks artsy, but is it practical?
?a book box? presents the beloved, yet long-not-read, book mounted to the wall. Framed and exhibited, it is presented with a new functionality. Opened, the book covers the contents inside. Closing the book opens the box. The book turns into a trap door that reveals a storage area or secret compartment.
If interest in the book remains it is very easy to take the contraption of the wall and read the book, inside the box.
Cherrydale Reads "the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" For November
The November 8 book for Cherrydale Branch Library's book discussion will be The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson. There will be no October meeting, so copies can be picked up at Cherrydale's September 13 book discussion. The...
Altered Books By Patricia Hartnett
"The Secret Garden"The art of painter and found object artist Patricia Hartnett is on display on the first floor at Central Library for the month of June. We asked Patricia a few questions about her work: How did you get the inspiration for this work?...
Book Whisperers At Westover
Book discussion groups at Westover Branch Library are just around the corner! A group of enthusiastic patrons met recently at the library to organize a new season of group discussions. We will have a mixture of fiction and non-fiction books on the list,...
Cherrydale Book Discussion: 'in Spite Of The Gods' - 01/11
Join us Monday, Jan. 11 for the Cherrydale Branch Library's book discussion of In Spite of the Gods: The strange rise of modern India, by Edward Luce. The Cherrydale book discussion meets at 7:30 p.m., on the second Monday of each month, and is facilitated...
Available @ Your Library ReviewAmazon Best Books of the Month, October 2012: Tissues at the ready, I braced myself for The End of Your Life Book Club, Will Schwalbe?s memoir of his mother?s death from pancreatic cancer. But Mary Anne Schwalbe is such a...