ALA MidWinter: Volunteers, Creative Ideas in TS
ALA MidWinter: Volunteers, Creative Ideas in TS
The ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group will hold its ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Antonio, TX as follows: Sunday, January 22, 2006, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the Hilton Palacio Del Rio, Room Del Rey South. Participants can choose from the seven topics listed
below. The chair and vice-chair will also provide a list of sub-topics at the meeting to serve as discussion guide for each topic.
This year's chair is Kalyani Parthasarathy, University of New Orleans and vice-chair/chair-elect is Carla Davis Cunningham, Temple University.
VOLUNTEER FACILITATOR AND RECORDERS SOUGHT: We need volunteers to facilitate and record the discussions at each topic table. If you would like to facilitate or record, please send your information to Kalyani Parthasarathy at Indicate all the topics
you would be willing to facilitate or record. We would appreciate flexibility on your part as we finalize the assignments.
topics at their tables, making sure everyone participates, and keeps it within the allotted time. RECORDERS take notes during discussions and send a written report to the chair soon after the conference is over. These reports form the basis for the report the chair sends to ALCTS. A
written summary report is also sent to the Technical Services Quarterly.
At the end of the discussion, each table will give a short oral report for the benefit of all attendees. The facilitator and the recorder can decide who would do the oral report.
The discussion topics are:
1. Acquisitions Functions
2. Authority Control in the Cataloging Workflow
3. Disaster Preparedness in Technical Services
4. MARC Records for E-Journals
5. Planning for System Downtime in Technical Services
6. Serials Check-in and Binding
7. Shifting Journal Subscriptions from Print to Electronic Format
Please send your volunteer interests to Kalyani Parthasarathy
Kalyani Parthasarathy
Serials Team Leader
Earl K.Long Library
University of New Orleans
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