An Entrepreneurial Look at Earth and its People - Sept. 27
Are you worried about both our economy and our impact on the Earth? Flummoxed about what to do? Two Arlington leaders - from seemingly different worlds - offer the same answer: Think Differently.
Join us Monday, Sept. 27 at 7:00 p.m. for
Pausing to Consider Alternative Outcomes; An Entrepreneurial Look at Earth and its People, presented by Larry Robertson (author and professor of Entrepreneurship at Georgetown's Business School) and Martin Ogle (Chief Naturalist for the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority). Arlington County Board Chair, Jay Fisette, will also provide introductory comments. The program will take in the Central Library Auditorium.
In his widely acclaimed new book, A Deliberate Pause: Entrepreneurship and its Moment in Human Progress, Larry Robertson argues -
?At the starting point of all forward movement, at the nexus of change itself, at the wellspring of human progress, there are always . . . people thinking entrepreneurially.? It is those who pause to ask, ?Why are things the way they are?? and ?How could they be better?? that lead us to scale seemingly insurmountable barriers.
Similarly, Martin Ogle believes that to address our economic, environmental, and energy challenges simultaneously, we must set free a wave of human ingenuity and creativity based on understanding how Earth systems work.
Their presentation will feature lessons from A Deliberate Pause, blending them with ideas from Earth system science as suggested by Ogle?s work. Examples will also be given of companies, individuals, and organizations focusing the entrepreneurial lens to create sustainable, valuable, and progressive solutions around the world.
This program is co-sponsored by Arlington Central Library, Lighthouse Consulting, the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, the Clarendon Alliance, the Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization, Sustainable Loudoun, American University Department of Environmental Science, Arlington Economic Development, Arlington Department of Environmental Services, the Great Falls Group of The Sierra Club, the Mount Vernon Group of the Sierra Club, Continuum Solar, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment, Silver Diner, Hybrid Pedals, The Java Shack, Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners, Mario?s Pizza House (Since 1957), DeConstruction Services, LLC, The ReBuild Warehouse, the Washington Academy of Sciences, Joy to the Wood Custom Furniture, Virginia Sustainable Building Network, the Ballston Science and Technology Alliance, the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, the Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center; Potomac Region Solar Energy Association, The Electric Vehicle Association of Greater Washington, D.C., Café Scientifique, The Bennett Group, MeetUp DC and the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia.
For more information contact Martin Ogle at 703-528-5406.
Exploring The "steady State Economy" On Sept. 29
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