Call for Applications: Three Positions with Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
Call for Applications: Three Positions with Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
The Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Journal would like to announce opportunities to fulfill three roles within the *EBLIP* Journal: Associate Editor (Articles), Index Support and Evidence Summary Writers. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) is a non-profit, open access journal and all positions are voluntary and unpaid.
*Associate Editor (Articles)*
We are looking for a second Associate Editor (Articles) to share the workload with the current Associate Editor (Articles).
The Associate Editor (Articles) is responsible for:
- Overseeing the complete editorial process for items submitted to the
Articles section (this includes assignment of peer reviewers, monitoring
the peer review process, communicating with authors and peer reviewers,
making acceptance decisions, ensuring required changes to manuscripts are
made, communicating with copyeditors and the production editor to ensure
the final copy is as expected).
- Communicating and consulting with the Editor-in-Chief on a regular
- Attending Editorial Team meetings, via Skype, on a monthly basis and
participating in the overall governance of the journal.
- Ensuring that all necessary deadlines are met.
- Communicating with potential authors and responding to queries.
The ideal candidate will be well-versed in evidence based practice and research methods. This position requires dedicated time on a regular basis, and it is therefore essential that interested persons ensure available time to devote to this position prior to applying. It is estimated that the workload is approximately 10-15 hours per month.
The current Associate Editor (Articles) is happy to answer specific queries about the role on request. Please email
Interested persons should send a statement of interest, summarizing experience and suitability for the role, as well as a brief resume to Editor-in-Chief Alison Brettle ( by January 13, 2014.
*Indexing Support Role *
EBLIP is looking for a library and information professional with an interest in cataloguing and indexing to provide indexing support.
The EBLIP Indexing Support role involves 5-7 hours indexing per issue (4 per year), using author assigned keywords. The role would suit an LIS professional with experience in cataloguing or indexing, familiarity with the DOAJ, comfort level with computers and the Internet, knowledge of the various parts of a citation, and an eye for detail. Although previous experience in cataloguing or indexing would be an asset, it is not a requirement.
There is also an opportunity to undertake some development work, which could include: A review of where the journal is indexed and adjustments as necessary and retrospective standardized indexing for previous issues and application of this to subsequent issues.
Interested persons should send a statement of interest, summarizing experience and suitability for the role, as well as a brief resume to Editor-in-Chief Alison Brettle ( by January 13, 2014.
*Evidence Summary Writers*
EBLIP seeks to add six writers to the Evidence Summaries Team. Evidence Summaries provide critical appraisal syntheses for specific research articles. These research synopses provide readers with information regarding the original research article's validity and reliability, thus providing information on the presence or absence of evidence with which to make informed decisions. Evidence Summaries Team members are required to write two evidence summaries per year, with a two year commitment to the journal. Evidence Summaries cover all areas of library and information studies and we encourage applications from information professionals in areas such as school, public, and special libraries, as well as academic settings.
Interested persons should send a statement of interest, indicating areas of strength they would bring to the role, as well as a brief resume to Heather Pretty (Associate Editor, Evidence Summaries) by January 13, 2014. Applicants who are shortlisted will be asked to submit a sample evidence summary.
*** For all positions only those applicants who are selected or shortlisted will be contacted by the Editors.*
About the journal: Published quarterly by the University of Alberta, this peer reviewed, open access journal is targeted at all library and information professionals interested in an evidence based model of practice. By facilitating access to library and information studies research via original research articles and evidence summaries of relevant research from the library literature, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice enables information professionals to practice their profession in an evidence-based manner.
Please visit the Evidence Based Library and Information Practice website ( for further information about the journal.
Call For Applications, Evidence Based Library And Information Practice - (evidence Summaries Writers)
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