Call for Contributed Posters: All Sciences Poster Session (SLA 2013 Annual Conference ? June 2013, San Diego, California
Call for Contributed Posters: All Sciences Poster Session (SLA 2013 Annual Conference ? June 2013, San Diego, California
All Sciences Poster Session ? June 2013, San Diego, California
SESSION CO-SPONSORS: Biomedical & Life Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, Pharmaceutical & Health Technologies, Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics, and Science-Technology Divisions
Conference theme this year is ?Connect, Collaborate, Strategize?
Your poster presentation could help your colleagues immeasurably as we all seek to cultivate or enhance scientists? knowledge management skills and to demonstrate the value of our services to our parent organizations or potential clients. The poster session provides an informal and lively venue for sharing your innovative ideas on an important topic relating to connections, collaborations, and strategy.
ELIGIBILITY: Any SLA member is welcome to submit an abstract. In the event that a greater number of submissions are received than can be accommodated, members of the sponsoring science divisions will be given first preference.
GUIDELINES and LAYOUT: Guidelines for materials and layout of poster presentations are available on the SLA Chemistry Division website at of ABSTRACT: DEADLINE is March 15, 2013. Please submit your name, institution, email address, poster title, and description (250 words or less) by email to SciencePosterSLA@gmail.comNOTIFICATION of ACCEPTANCE: All applicants will be notified re: poster proposal acceptance on or before April 1, 2013.
The Poster Session will be held on Monday, June 10, 2013 from 5:30 ? 7:30 PMFOR QUESTIONS, CONTACT:Danielle WalkerNational Agricultural
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