CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS - ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium ? ?Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS - ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium ? ?Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS -ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium  ? ?Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use"  

ASIS&T SIG USE Symposium  ? ?Evolving and Emerging Research Methods in Information Behavior, Needs, Seeking, and Use" 
Saturday, October 27, 2012, 1:30 - 6:30pm

In 2012, information is being sought, shared and created more rapidly and in more ways than ever before.  In exploring implications of new modes of communication, changing information forms and media, and the continual evolution of human-information interactions, today?s researchers are challenged to incorporate a greater variety of approaches and new innovative methods of study.

Join us for the 12th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium, which will focus on evolving and emerging strategies of research inquiry!  ASIS&T SIG-USE encompasses the wide range of research into human information behavior, needs, seeking, and use.

Lightning Talks - We have 24 slots for participants to give brief "lightning talks" of 2-3 minutes on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems.  Interested in giving a lightning talk?  Contact us!

Important Dates -
August 31, 2012 -  Email brief description of lightning talk topic (150 to 250 words) to Jeanine Williamson (
September 14, 2012 -  Notification of acceptance of lightning talk proposal
October 15, 2012 - Email slides to be loaded in advance for your lightning talk

The 12th Annual SIG-USE Research Symposium will explore evolving and emerging strategies of research inquiry in information behavior, needs, seeking, and use by inviting participants to share their experiences with and knowledge of the next generation of research methods.  Keynote speaker Dr. Lisa Given of Charles Sturt University, Australia, will engage attendees with a discussion of the use of photography, participant-driven methods, arts-based approaches and other new methods that push the boundaries of information behavior research. Participants in the symposium will give brief ?lightning talks? on research methods that are either novel applications of established methods or are on the leading edge of emerging approaches in the field. Workshop attendees will also participate actively by proposing significant problems to be addressed, discussing them in small and large groups, and brainstorming about research methods that might be appropriate for addressing those problems. The Symposium will conclude with a summary and synthesis of the results from the group discussion and brainstorming, as well as a projection for next steps. 

1:30-1:45 Welcome and introduction, including an explanation of procedures for lightning talks. 
1:45-2:30 Keynote presentation on New Research Methods: incorporating photography, participant-driven methods, arts-based approaches and more. SPEAKER: Lisa Given, Charles Sturt University
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-4:00 First round of lightning talks on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems. 
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15-5:30 Second round of lightning talks on particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, and proposed problems. 
5:30-6:00 Chatman Award research presentations by 2012 winner (5 mins), and 2011 winner, Julie Hersberger of University of North Carolina, Greensboro, on research into information needs and strategies of the homeless: ?A Resilience and Information Behavior Model: Understanding Information Roles and Use Outcomes in Homeless Populations? (20 mins), followed by presentation of SIG USE awards (5 mins).
6:00-6:30 Wrap-up and evaluations 

The workshop features participatory methods including small and large group discussions, brainstorming, and lightning talks open to participation by all of the attendees. Participants in lightning talks (similar to pecha kucha) can use slides or interactive discussion but generally speak for no more than 2-3 minutes.

Participants are invited to give brief ?lightning talks" on research methods and research problems for interactive brainstorming and discussion.  The informal lightning talks will last 2-3 minutes with topics in areas such as particular research methods, themes in the evolution of research methods, emerging trends, or research methodology problems. Workshop participants will provide a brief description of their topic or problem beforehand. This description should be around 150-250 words. 

Those interested in attending the workshop without submitting a proposal for a topic or problem without giving a lightning talk may register at any time prior to the beginning of the workshop, provided that workshop spaces remain.
For those submitting a description of a proposed lightning talk on a research method or a research problem, please use the following submission guidelines:
Submit all files as pdf documents.
Put your name, title, and institutional affiliation in the upper left-hand corner of the first page
Name your file as follows:
N.B.: Indicate in your email message whether or not you would like your submission to be posted publicly on the SIG USE website as part of the pre- and post-workshop materials. 
Submissions are due by midnight local time on August 31, 2012 Email submissions to: Jeanine Williamson,

Jeanine Williamson (Chair), University of Tennessee; Karen Fisher, University of Washington, Seattle; Lisa Given, Charles Sturt University, Australia; Linnea Johnson, Simmons College; Lorri Mon, Florida State University; Soo Young Rieh, University of Michigan; Chirag Shah, Rutgers University; Maria Souden, University College Dublin, Ireland; Rong Tang, Simmons College; Barbara Wildemuth, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Bo Xie, University of Maryland; Guo Zhang, Indiana University

More info about ASIS&T SIG USE:
Register for the ASIS&T Annual Meeting:

See you at ASIS&T 2012!  

--  Dr. Lorri Mon, 2012 Chair, ASIS&T SIG USE
FSU College of Communication and Information
FSU SLIS, Florida's iSchool
Florida State University
268 Louis Shores Building, 142 Collegiate Loop
Tallahassee, FL 32306

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