Call for Posters: Western New York & Ontario ACRL Fall Conference 10/18/13

Call for Posters: Western New York & Ontario ACRL Fall Conference 10/18/13

Call for Posters: Western New York & Ontario ACRL Fall Conference 10/18/13


The Western New York/Ontario chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries invites poster session proposals for our 2013 Fall Conference.  This year's theme is "Publishing and Advancing Research," and the conference will be held Friday, Oct. 18th, from 8:30am-4:00pm at the RIT Conference Center in West Henrietta, New York.  Poster presenters will receive a discounted conference registration rate of $60.

Poster sessions provide opportunities to share new and innovative ideas, strategies and technologies.  Any topic, demonstration or device that may be of interest to college and research librarians is welcome for presentation. We ask, however, that this venue not be used to promote or sell specific products and services.  More information on the conference can be found here:

Proposals for the posters and any questions regarding the poster session should be submitted to Vice Programs Chair Amy Vilz at

The deadline for proposal submission is September 16, 2013.  Presenters will be notified of acceptance by September 23.

Conference registration rates:
WNY/O ACRL Members: $100
Join WNY/O ACRL Now and Save: $110 (if already an ACRL member) or $115 (if
not an ACRL member)
Non-members: $120
Students: $50
Poster Presenters: $60

We look forward to seeing you this fall!

Lucy Bungo
Secretary, WNY/O ACRL

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