Call for proposals: RUSA online courses and webinars

Call for proposals: RUSA online courses and webinars

Call for proposals: RUSA online courses and webinars

If you?ve been considering submitting a proposal to present a RUSA online course or webinar, now?s your chance!
The submission period is open Aug. 1 ? Sept. 1. Proposals will be reviewed by the RUSA Professional Development Committee in early September. Approved webinars will be presented Oct. 22-Dec. 1, 2013. Approved online courses will launch in February or March of 2014.

All the details, including links to the proposal forms, are here:

You can also find information in the Online Learning section of the RUSA website:

Here are some of the topics we?re interested in:
reference basics; reference for specialized audiences; research, trends and hot topics in readers advisory; technology advisory; information literacy; community partnerships; library programs; outreach; partnerships among different types of libraries; government data and related resources; library spaces and assessing future needs; copyright in the digital age; collection development; special collections; tips and tutorials for relevant tech tools; standards and guidelines; genealogy; advocating for reference; resource development; fundraising; marketing; job searching and related resources; book reviewing; interlibrary loan; creating a single service point (vs. multiple service points in a single facility); embedded librarians; e-books; writing annotations; leading a book group; collection marketing; and library marketing and display ideas.

QUESTIONS? Contact RUSA Professional Development Chair Jeannette Pierce (piercejea -at- or RUSA Web Manager Andrea Hill (ahill -at-

**PLEASE SHARE this message with any colleagues, members or online communities who may find it of interest.

Liz F. Markel, M.A.
Marketing & Programs Manager
Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)

The American Library Association // 50 E. Huron Street // Chicago, IL  60611

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