Call for Reporters (ALCTS Preconferences and Programs at ALA Annual, 2009)
Call for Reporters (ALCTS Preconferences and Programs at ALA Annual, 2009)
I need reporters for ALCTS preconferences and programs that will take place during the 2009 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago in July. Reports are typically about 500 words, will be published in the September issue of the ALCTS Newsletter Online (ANO), and include a
byline. Last year's reports are available at
Contact me if you're interested in reporting or would like to suggest someone, and I'll send you a list of preconferences and programs. Reporters don't have to be ALCTS members, but they must be registered for the ALA Conference. Reports are due by August 15 and will run in
the September issue of ANO.
Mary Beth Weber
Editor, ALCTS Newsletter Online
Mary Beth Weber
Head, Technical Services Department
Technical and Automated Services
Rutgers University Libraries
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