Cecily Corcoran, Cityscape Oil Paintings at Westover

Through the holidays Westover Branch Library is delighted to have the work of local artist, Cecily Corcoran, on display.
From cityscapes to seascapes this artist explores life and nature, looking for color, rhythm and balance. Her aim is to "record a glimpse of natural beauty before it folds into time."
These stunning paintings are on display through December. Paintings are for sale and more of her work can be found at
Find more information on current exhibits, permanent installations and how to apply to exhibit art at the Library on our Art Exhibits page.
Abc's On Display For Back To School
Captured in the collection of a Westover Branch Library patron, the ABC's of dozens of countries are featured during this month of back to school. This display features just a few of more than 80 alphabet books, collected from many countries around...
Diana Gammerman's Whimsical Sculpture At Central
If you love whimsical found-object art, be sure to check out Diana Gammerman's sculptures, on exhibit on the lobby of Central Library through the end of August. Gamerman works in a wide range of media such as oil paintings, watercolors, prints, and...
Aurora Hills Inaugurates New Art Space
Aurora Hills Branch Library has a new ART SPACE! It was inaugurated on August 2 with the paintings of Kathleen Best Gillmann which will be on display through the month of August. Are you interested in the Library's art program? You can find information...
Dancing Teapots And Whimsical Pottery
Artist Jan Crowther brings a smile to the Westover Branch Library this month and next with her dancing teapots, hidden pea pods and waiting geckos. Crowther says that her "inspiration for Frog Moon Pottery comes from the calm serenity of nature: cool...
Paintings By Amy Ordoveza At Shirlington
Don't miss the new paintings on display this month at the Shirlington Branch Library, by local artist Amy Ordoveza. Ordoveza has exhibited her paintings and drawings throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree...