CFP: 16th Distance Library Services Conference (Denver 2014)
CFP: 16th Distance Library Services Conference (Denver 2014)
The 16th Distance Library Services Conference is heading to Denver in 2014, and we want you to help build on 30 years of thought-provoking contributions in the field of distance librarianship!
The Distance Library Services Conference is librarianship?s most respected venue for sharing research, ideas, perspectives, and best practices in providing library resources and services at a distance. If you have a topic of interest to distance librarianship, we invite you to submit a proposal by June 10, 2013. Possible topic areas include, but are not limited to, the following:
Advocacy Assessment Budgets Collaboration Collection development Copyright Customer service Digital resources Diversity Document delivery eBooks | Electronic resources Embedded librarians Emerging technologies Hot topics/wild card Information literacy Innovation Instruction Leadership & management Marketing Mobile technologies Organizational change | Outreach/engagement Patron access Professional/staff development Reference Social media Technology Trends & forecasting User experience Web development |
Presentations from the previous conference can be found at
Session formats include paper presentations, panel discussions, poster sessions, and workshops.
Benefits of presenting at the Distance Library Services Conference include:
· Conference proceedings are published in the Journal of Library and Information Service for Distance Learning
· Opportunity to present your work to a large and diverse audience of distance librarians, educators and administrators
· Registration fee discount
· And it?s loads of fun!
Submit your proposal today!
Thad Dickinson
Conference Coordinator
16th Distance Library Services Conference
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